Ladies Logic

Friday, January 12, 2007

Dear Senator Coleman.

I am turning this post over to the Logical Husband who, like AAA, is a little concerened about Senator Coleman's response to President Bush's call for increased troops in Iraq.

Senator Coleman,

I wish to comment on your remarks yesterday after President Bush's speech where he indicated that he would be following the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group - sending an additional 24,000 troops into Iraq. Understand I personally do not support the war, but I thought you understood loyalty and committment. You act as if you are not only leaving the sinking ship but you are pushing the women and children out of the lifeboats to be the first off the ship. Somehow, it makes sense to you that with less troops on the ground we can train their troops faster. My brother-in-law was a trainer over there. I don't think he would buy your logic here.
If you are determined to pull your support from the President then I hope that you understand why I am pulling my support for your re-election. If you could have let the fever pitch die down a little and then conceded the point that it may be time to pull our troops out, I could have had a little patience. Your recent comments only seem to point in one direction. That you don't want to be associated with your party's leaders and you are more concerned about the Democratic voters back home after the last election. I figured you would have been politically savvy enough to figure out what Ken Mehlman did. That the Democrats did not beat us in November - we beat ourselves. The more so-called Republican politicans acted like Democrats, the more our base stayed home. My wife busted her behind trying to get our local 72 Hour Get Out the Vote phone bank staffed and get the necessary calls made going into election day. Call after call she made to what once were "reliable" Republican volunteers who told her "not while they are acting like Democrats! Not one penny, not one minute of my time will I spend on them". Wake up Senator! The base abandoned the MNGOP and the more that you are running toward the left the longer it will take for you to get them back. You only have two very short years.
If you were more concerned about the mission of our troops you might be more beleivable. For the last two months you have embarassed me as a republican voter. If the recommendations of the Iraq study group to add more troops and position of your party is uncomfortable for you perhaps it is time for you to go back to your roots and jump back to the Democratic Party. I fear it will be a short jump.


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