The silence of the feminists
Rush Limbaugh is often accused of "hate speech" and one of the justifications for that claim is his tendency to call the leaders of the feminist movement "feminazis". However, that term does have some justification due the the leaders politicization of the movement. If they truly cared about liberating oppressed women, they would be more concerned about stories like this, rather than abortion rights or pay equality.
Gulbar was admitted to a local hospital in Badghis province in Northern Afghanistan in November 2005. She has been burnt by her husband.
According to her mother, she married a man 3 years ago but he was very cruel person and was torturing her on daily bases. Finally Gulbar run away to her mother's house. The next day her husband came and asked her to return home otherwise he will kill her, she refused to go with him, when he found her alone in the house, throw petrol on her body, set her on fire and he himself escaped.
The neighbors hear her voice and rush to help, when they control the fire, almost 40% of her body was burnt."
The sad thing is, no charges will be filed...
"She has been in the hospital for past 40 days but no file has been cased against her heartless husband. Police and other authorities, who are mostly former commanders, turn a blind eye on these cases."
Nor will they ever be filed.
"A doctor in the hospital where she is hospitalized told that they receive many women patients who either have committed self-burning or have been burnt by their husbands but due to none existence of better facilities their treatment is also not possible there. He believed that forced marriage and lack of legal support to these victims is the main cause of all such sad incidents."
If Gulbar's story isn't bad enough, consider the story of Salehah.
"Seyyed Abdul-Rahman, a former resident of Ghazni and an aviation engineer, who works for the Intelligence Ministry in Kabul, had an argument with his wife, Salehah, on October 25, 1999. During the argument, he poured gasoline over her body and set her on fire. When neighbors find out about the fight, they enter his house and see Salehah's burned body, with her hands and legs tied up. They immediately take her to the hospital. At the hospital Salehah tells the doctors and neighbors that her husband tied her up, after he beat her up, and set fire to her. She died two days later at the hospital. Her husband seized the opportunity caused by the confusion and ran away with his two sons before her burial. He has not been hear-of yet. Since he was employed by the Taliban Intelligence, it is suspected that he is being sheltered by them. " (emphasis mine)
Bound, beaten and burned....such is the life of a woman under the auspices of Sharia law.
Thus Rush's "feminazi" description is, in many ways, appropos. For the leadership of the movement cares more about forcing THEIR lifestyle on one group of people, while totally ignoring the plight of women in other areas.
If the feminist movement wanted to get the description shelved, maybe they could start by supporting what President Bush is doing to free oppressed women in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and Iran. However, they won't, thus ensuring the continuance of the term.
Gulbar was admitted to a local hospital in Badghis province in Northern Afghanistan in November 2005. She has been burnt by her husband.
According to her mother, she married a man 3 years ago but he was very cruel person and was torturing her on daily bases. Finally Gulbar run away to her mother's house. The next day her husband came and asked her to return home otherwise he will kill her, she refused to go with him, when he found her alone in the house, throw petrol on her body, set her on fire and he himself escaped.
The neighbors hear her voice and rush to help, when they control the fire, almost 40% of her body was burnt."
The sad thing is, no charges will be filed...
"She has been in the hospital for past 40 days but no file has been cased against her heartless husband. Police and other authorities, who are mostly former commanders, turn a blind eye on these cases."
Nor will they ever be filed.
"A doctor in the hospital where she is hospitalized told that they receive many women patients who either have committed self-burning or have been burnt by their husbands but due to none existence of better facilities their treatment is also not possible there. He believed that forced marriage and lack of legal support to these victims is the main cause of all such sad incidents."
If Gulbar's story isn't bad enough, consider the story of Salehah.
"Seyyed Abdul-Rahman, a former resident of Ghazni and an aviation engineer, who works for the Intelligence Ministry in Kabul, had an argument with his wife, Salehah, on October 25, 1999. During the argument, he poured gasoline over her body and set her on fire. When neighbors find out about the fight, they enter his house and see Salehah's burned body, with her hands and legs tied up. They immediately take her to the hospital. At the hospital Salehah tells the doctors and neighbors that her husband tied her up, after he beat her up, and set fire to her. She died two days later at the hospital. Her husband seized the opportunity caused by the confusion and ran away with his two sons before her burial. He has not been hear-of yet. Since he was employed by the Taliban Intelligence, it is suspected that he is being sheltered by them. " (emphasis mine)
Bound, beaten and burned....such is the life of a woman under the auspices of Sharia law.
Thus Rush's "feminazi" description is, in many ways, appropos. For the leadership of the movement cares more about forcing THEIR lifestyle on one group of people, while totally ignoring the plight of women in other areas.
If the feminist movement wanted to get the description shelved, maybe they could start by supporting what President Bush is doing to free oppressed women in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and Iran. However, they won't, thus ensuring the continuance of the term.
Oh, and do tell us the last time you wrote anything about American domestic violence victims.
Or do you subscribe to the view of the late Ronald Reagan that abused women really are nothing more than "runaway wives?" Why do the ones in your own country not matter?
Your concern for abused women in other countries is ridiculous when the people who have paved the way for helping domestic violence victims in your own backyard are those feminists you ridicule.
And listening to Rush Limbaugh - the man headed toward the hemisphere's biggest underage sex tourism country with a pocketful of Viagara - on matters like this is like listening to... well, Rush Limbaugh on the horrors of uppity women.
Anonymous, at 9:13 PM
Well obviously you came here to snark as you don't know WHAT I have written about. If you did, you would not have made such a ridiculous comment.
Re: Rush and underage sex do have proof for that charge - don't you?????
RE: abuse in America - you can start here
The Lady Logician, at 7:16 AM
I really did try to find your posts about domestic violence here in the US -- I'm sorry I didn't search every tube of the internets.
But the human trafficking you once talked about in one post on one blog is not home-grown domestic violence. Domestic violence in our own backyards is far more prevalent, and given that it's something that is generally perpetrated by regular white heterosexual men, I didn't expect to find you rallying against it, and you haven't. After all, that's what those icky feminists do. Rather, you've cherry-picked abuses against women that you can blame on countries that have Islamic populations, and you're all over it, baby. How logical.
As for Rush and his trip to the Dominican Republic, there is plenty of evidence that it's a haven:,1272,44888,00.html
That last one is from a Christian organization - you do still trust Christians, don't you? Or are some Christians ok and some not? I can never keep track.
Anonymous, at 9:28 PM
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