Ladies Logic

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Time and Choices

My inbox has been innundated with information about the herd of Republicans that are running for (or considering running for) President in 2008. I'm getting emails from people who say "Candidate X is the only one who can win." and others from people who say "I would never vote for a candidate who does not support _____ (insert single issue here). While I would be lying if I said that I didn't have a candidate that I am supporting (albeit tepidly), I am certainly not out there trying to convince people why they should vote for Candidate Y just yet. Here is why.

Issues - there are a multitude of single issue candidates out there. Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Co) is an excellent example. Rep. Tancredo is a Pat Buchanan closed borders kind of guy. If you give him a platform he will tell you all the reasons why we must close the borders and deport all the illegal aliens that are currently in the US. However, ask him to talk about defecit reduction or fighting the global war on terror.....As far as I have seen so far, there is no well rounded (issues wise) candidate who has thrown their name in the ring.

Conservatism - most of the candidates who are officially in are not exactly paragons of conservatism. Senator Chuck Hagel is my example here. If you take a look at his voting record in the Senate you will see that his record is all over the place. This so-called libertarian has a 100% voting record on pro-life issues, but a paltry 78% with the National Taxpayers Union. A 60% voting record with the ACLU and a 100% record with the American Coalition for Ethanol. His partnership with Senator John McCain in the "Gang of 14" in blocking President Bush's judicial nominees along with his recalcitrance on the Global War on Terror has conservative voters positively apoplectic.

Constitutional rights - three words...Senator John McCain. Is there any better example of a legislator who is hell bent on taking away the citizens rights?

Sue Jeffers sent me a link to a review of a conservative women's forum that took place recently.

"Conservative Republican women leaders from around the nation declared over the weekend that they are not happy with any of the current "Tier 1" Republican presidential candidates, and vowed to stop progress of the likes of John McCain, Rudy Guiliani, Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney.
Conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly (pictured right), who hosted the weekend Eagle Forum state presidents' pow-wow in St. Louis, said that conservatives need to engage now to eliminate leading unacceptable candidates to clear the field for true conservatives to emerge in the next couple of months."

I have to agree with Ms. Schlafly (and I suspect Sue) that our "perfect" candidate is not on our radar yet - something that I have tried to tell those who are pushing Candidate X and Candidate Y. However, he (or she) had better get on the radar soon. Ms. Schlafly, being the wise woman that she is stated:

"Whoever reaches the $100 million mark first will be declared the GOP primary winner way before we get to Minneapolis next August," she said. "

Rather than settling, we conservatives need to get active and push for a truly conservative candidate to run for President. We certainly have a few conservatives out there who would excite the base and the middle the way President Reagan did. We need to find him/her NOW before it is too late.


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