An anonymous commenter to this post asked me why I didn't write about "domestic violence". I answered that I had posted about a form of domestic violence when I wrote about slavery being alive and well in 21st Century America. That didn't satisfy my anonymous friend. Apparently, in his/her eyes, only violence that is visited on a woman by her spouse or significant other is worthy of comment. Well aside from the fact that this is my blog and I do write about things that interest me, I spent some time pondering anonymous' comment. Why don't I write about violence against women that comes from their husband/significant other. I realized why finally. There are plenty of voices speaking out against domestice violence against women. There are shelters and advocacy groups galore. Some I have even donated clothing, money or cell phones to - some I helped with my professional advise. There are laws galore on the books and there are groups to help women get out of abusive relationships. There are voices for these women and adding one more voice to the mix would just add to the noise.
However, women who suffer from the abuses that I write about have no voices. Whether it is the women that are in sexual slavery or women who are tortured to hide their womanhood or women who are told that they are responsible for being raped simply because they were born women or women who have their genitals sliced off with a razor...these women have no voice in America and they deserve to have their cries of anguish heard.
So Anonymous, if you want to read something written about domestic violence - get your own blog! It's cheap and it's easy. Go ahead and add to the noise - if that is your desire. Me - I intend to continue to raise my voice for women who have no advocate for it is my desire to bring peoples attention to the sufferings of these women and thus maybe, in some small way, help to bring an end to the oppression that these women suffer.
And that is, I thought, the whole goal of the "feminist movement" - to bring equality to all women - not just a select few. However, I will thow this one in just for anonymous.
However, women who suffer from the abuses that I write about have no voices. Whether it is the women that are in sexual slavery or women who are tortured to hide their womanhood or women who are told that they are responsible for being raped simply because they were born women or women who have their genitals sliced off with a razor...these women have no voice in America and they deserve to have their cries of anguish heard.
So Anonymous, if you want to read something written about domestic violence - get your own blog! It's cheap and it's easy. Go ahead and add to the noise - if that is your desire. Me - I intend to continue to raise my voice for women who have no advocate for it is my desire to bring peoples attention to the sufferings of these women and thus maybe, in some small way, help to bring an end to the oppression that these women suffer.
And that is, I thought, the whole goal of the "feminist movement" - to bring equality to all women - not just a select few. However, I will thow this one in just for anonymous.
My comments had to do with the fact that you only seemed to care about domestic violence when it was perpetrated by those you have been directed to hate - Muslims.
But now you say, "There are plenty of voices speaking out against domestice violence against women. There are shelters and advocacy groups galore."
But your posts have insisted the exact opposite of that - that feminists don't care about domestic violence. Now you fall back on their decades of work to relieve you of all guilt when it's obvious that your "concern" falls only on the victims of those you've been directed to bash.
"Me - I intend to continue to raise my voice for women who have no advocate for it is my desire to bring peoples attention to the sufferings of these women and thus maybe, in some small way, help to bring an end to the oppression that these women suffer."
Bullshit. You just want to bash Muslims, and this is a convenient bat. Calling efforts here at home "noise" gives us all a glimpse into your soul on this issue.
And by the way, did you know that your own government has SIDED with those oppressive radical Isalm regimes in international efforts to gain rights for women? When did you last complain about the role of someone like Ellen Sauerbrey as she sits with the governments of Iran, North Korea, Oman, Qatar, Somalia, Sudan, and Syria in opposing treaties that would give full human rights to women? When have you bucked the position of anti-feminist groups on CEDAW?
You'll have to do better explaining when it is that you stand with Muslim extremists and when do you stand against them.
Anonymous, at 7:39 PM
Hmmmm....so are you saying that the violence visited on Muslim women is less important than the violence visted on American women? Why do you seem so opposed to someone bringing this little known information to light? Maybe you feel that violence toward women is ok - because that is what is taught in the Holy Book of Islam...
"And by the way, did you know that your own government has SIDED with those oppressive radical Isalm regimes in international efforts to gain rights for women? "
Actually my dear - I did realize that and I actually too President Bush to task for some of his stand on some of these very issues (Darfur in particular).
The Lady Logician, at 7:05 PM
Oh and did you forget the part where I said that I wrote about things that I was interested in since it was MY blog?????
The Lady Logician, at 7:06 PM
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