Ladies Logic

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Well we knew this was coming

The Supreme Court is the next stop of a landmark First Amendment case.

"The Supreme Court agreed Friday to referee a challenge to limits on pre-election ads, a key provision of the landmark campaign finance law that the court upheld in 2003.
The justices will hear an appeal of a lower court decision that relaxed restrictions on mentioning candidates by name in issue ads run by corporations, labor unions and other special interest groups near the climax of a campaign."

The case in question is, of course, the case involving the ads that Wisconsin Right to Life ran taking Senators Herb Kohl and Russ Feingold to task for their votes in support of abortion. Because Senator Feingold was running for re-election that year, Wisconsin Right to Life ran afoul of the newly enacted Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act (aka the McCain/Feingold assualt on free speech act).

It is this citizen's fervent prayer that the Supreme Court takes the opportunity to do what President Bush should have done - striking down this odious piece of "legislation". The fact that the case coming before the court (a consolidation of two cases) lists Senator (and Presidental want-to-be) John McCain as a plaintiff on the case tells you just how little regard the Senior Senator from Arizona has for the people of this country. That is going to be one of the many reasons why the Senators quest for the Presidency will end (in 2008) the same way it did in 2000 - with loss after loss in the Primaries.


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