Only in Cali...
So the California Legislature is expecting a bill that will outlaw spanking.
"SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- California parents could face jail and a fine for spanking their young children under legislation a state lawmaker has promised to introduce next week. Democratic Assemblywoman Sally Lieber said such a law is needed because spanking victimizes helpless children and breeds violence in society. "
I will cede that the Assemblywoman may have a point, however, the example she uses to justify the breach of privacy is ludicrious.
"I think it's pretty hard to argue you need to beat a child," Lieber said. "Is it OK to whip a 1-year-old or a 6-month-old or a newborn?"
Well DUH....what parent in their right mind would whip a newborn to 6 month old! I mean really. Then again, I guess you can expect that logic from someone who does not have children.
Seriously, anyone who has ever had children know that you don't spank infants. Period - end of discussion. However, toddlers and up to age 4 (which is the age limit which the Assemblywoman would make it illegal to spank) sometimes do need a single swift smack on the bottom, but it should only be done with an open hand and never, ever on a bare bottom! Any parent will also tell you that whether that punishment works or not does depend on the child. The Junior Logician (bless his heart) has always been a good child. However, we did have an instance where a single swat to the rear was needed to break the cycle of a toddler tantrum. On the other hand, his mother.....well let's just say that I was a little more hard headed as a youngster and leave it at that. My parents never abused me, but they did use a punishment designed to "get my attention" and that is what a spanking is sometimes needed to do. To get the child's attention back on you - the parent - and off of his/her misbehavior. A judicious parent knows that once that (getting the child's attention) has been accomplished, punishment should stop. And spanking should never, ever be done in anger.
I understand that Assemblywoman Lieber thinks she is doing the right thing, but in her rush to do the "right thing" she is doing all the wrong things. Taking an infant or toddler away from the parents for this reason is wrong and will do more harm to the child. It will also overload an already strained child welfare system that can not keep kids out of truly abusive situations (ever state in the union has cases like these). Making up a new form of abuse will not help the situation at all. Lastly, she is intruding on the rights of parents everywhere. This is horrible legislation. If this legislation is passed, what will be next - big government telling you that you will go to jail if you let your kids eat Hoho's or visit a relative who smokes? For the sake of common sense, this legislation needs to never see the light of day.
"SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- California parents could face jail and a fine for spanking their young children under legislation a state lawmaker has promised to introduce next week. Democratic Assemblywoman Sally Lieber said such a law is needed because spanking victimizes helpless children and breeds violence in society. "
I will cede that the Assemblywoman may have a point, however, the example she uses to justify the breach of privacy is ludicrious.
"I think it's pretty hard to argue you need to beat a child," Lieber said. "Is it OK to whip a 1-year-old or a 6-month-old or a newborn?"
Well DUH....what parent in their right mind would whip a newborn to 6 month old! I mean really. Then again, I guess you can expect that logic from someone who does not have children.
Seriously, anyone who has ever had children know that you don't spank infants. Period - end of discussion. However, toddlers and up to age 4 (which is the age limit which the Assemblywoman would make it illegal to spank) sometimes do need a single swift smack on the bottom, but it should only be done with an open hand and never, ever on a bare bottom! Any parent will also tell you that whether that punishment works or not does depend on the child. The Junior Logician (bless his heart) has always been a good child. However, we did have an instance where a single swat to the rear was needed to break the cycle of a toddler tantrum. On the other hand, his mother.....well let's just say that I was a little more hard headed as a youngster and leave it at that. My parents never abused me, but they did use a punishment designed to "get my attention" and that is what a spanking is sometimes needed to do. To get the child's attention back on you - the parent - and off of his/her misbehavior. A judicious parent knows that once that (getting the child's attention) has been accomplished, punishment should stop. And spanking should never, ever be done in anger.
I understand that Assemblywoman Lieber thinks she is doing the right thing, but in her rush to do the "right thing" she is doing all the wrong things. Taking an infant or toddler away from the parents for this reason is wrong and will do more harm to the child. It will also overload an already strained child welfare system that can not keep kids out of truly abusive situations (ever state in the union has cases like these). Making up a new form of abuse will not help the situation at all. Lastly, she is intruding on the rights of parents everywhere. This is horrible legislation. If this legislation is passed, what will be next - big government telling you that you will go to jail if you let your kids eat Hoho's or visit a relative who smokes? For the sake of common sense, this legislation needs to never see the light of day.
Very good post. And you know this legislation would only be the beginning of the left's attempts to take parenting out of the hands of parents.
I'm with you!
Dan S., at 2:57 PM
This is ridiculous. Any good parent knows the difference between discipline and abuse. Sometimes a spanking is the best way to deal with small children's misbehavior. We've found it best to take off the child's clothes and diaper/underwear and spank lightly with something like a ping pong paddle. That way you don't have to spank hard to make it felt. And you'll never cause an injury. Child abuse is already illegal; we don't need this new law.
Anonymous, at 1:10 AM
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