Ladies Logic

Monday, January 01, 2007

When bumper stickers are illegal....

Captain Ed has the latest in the McCain-Feingold outrages today.

"With all of the assaults on free political speech that have come as a result of the McCain-Feingold Act (or the BCRA), one has to wonder how much farther we can go before reversing the damage becomes impossible. Mark Tapscott shows us just how far this law reaches by relating how the BCRA affected a NASCAR racing team. No, I'm not kidding:

'How does one know when the critical point in a Republic's loss of its basic liberties like freedom of speech has been passed? A Dec. 22 notice from the Federal Election Commission looks very much like that point for America.
The notice concerned a complaint the FEC received from one Sydnor Thompson that Kirk Shelmerdine had improperly committed an independent expenditure on behalf of the Bush-Cheney re-election campaign during the 2004 race.
Do you want to know what that "independent expenditure" was? Shelmerdine put a Bush-Cheney bumper sticker on his racing car. It stood out because Shelmerdine had no significant sponsorship, not even the President's re-election campaign. He put the bumper sticker on his car just to generate a little publicity for himself. '"

It is my fervent hope that Conservatives take insanity like this into consideration when Primary season rolls around in 2008. For as much as the left likes to scream now about how their free speech is stifled, there will be reason for it should (God forbid) John McCain become President.

Oh I can hear it now....someone will comment "Would you rather have Hillary?". The answer is a resounding YES! We survived 8 years with her indirectly in charge (through her husband Bill) but I seriously doubt that the Republic will survive a John McCain presidency. The BCFRA is a precursor of what assualts (to the Constitution) we can expect from President John McCain.


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