Ladies Logic

Friday, December 29, 2006

What did you call me?

That whacky Hugo Chavez is at it again. This time he is shutting down disenting speech in Venezuela.

"Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has said he will not renew the licence for the country's second largest TV channel which he says expires in March 2007.
In an address to troops, Mr Chavez said he would not tolerate media outlets working towards a coup against him. "

This is the man that Cindy Sheehan, Jesse Jackson and Dennis Kuchinich have been holding in high esteem. This is what the far left idolizes. If you read what they say about Chavez, it is clear that they would be happy if the US was ruled by someone like Hugo Chavez. Someone who does not allow dissenting speech or speech that incites people to rebel against the current leader...everything that they do against our current administration! It strikes me as curious that they can, with a straight face, whine incessently about human rights violations here and then turn around and laud someone who does just that.

I find it interesting that the left, the standard bearers of unfettered free speech, are only for it when it is their free speech. However, speak against them....


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