Ladies Logic

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

About that "Culture of Corruption"

An interesting statistic crossed my inbox the other day. Last week, Judicial Watch released its "Ten most wanted corrupt politicians" list. Of the top 10 (and the 6 subsequent "dishonorable mentions") it was interesting to note the party affiliation of the top 16 and what their current elected status was. The break down is as follows:

9 of the elected officials on the list were Democrats, 6 were Republican (I am counting David Safavian in this list even though he was a Bush appointee and not an elected official). Of the 6 Republicans, 5 are no longer in office. Of the 9 Democrats 8 are still holding their positions of power! For the Republicans that is an 88.9% removal rating. Of those removed Republicans, the 5 elected officials were all removed from their seats by leadership and not by the voters. Of the Democrats, 1 became the Senate Majority Leader, 2 are up for influential committee chairmanships, 1 was pushed (by the incoming Speaker) to be House Majority Leader and 2 are running for President.

Remind me again just whose "culture of corruption" it is Madam Speaker. I'm very confused.


  • Both parties have problems with corruption, although, on the national level, it has mostly been a Republican problem of late. But you shouldn't give much credence to Judicial Watch which is not a very reliable source in my view. The inclusion of Barack Obama on their list is absurd.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:44 PM  

  • And skipper I offer you the trophy! Because you are the FIRST liberal I have ever heard admit that! You deserve kudos for the honesty!

    Funny though how we never heard that during the election...

    By Blogger The Lady Logician, at 3:39 PM  

  • I'm from the Chicago area. There has been a terrible amount of corruption from Democrats here, and it's still going on. We did have a corrupt Republican governor George Ryan, who was recently convicted of federal charges, but the current Democratic governor, Rod Blagojevich, is being investigated by the feds as we speak. Corruption is a problem for both parties.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:46 PM  

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