THIS is your Legislature Minnesota
SD45 has a list of details. This is just a small sample of the Nanny State Bills that are coming out of St. Paul. I've already talked about a couple of them but here are a few more notable bills.
Rep. Andy Welti (D-Plainview) wants to impose severe criminal penalties if you “carry, use, or possess” a glass container on a watercraft or along Minnesota’s public waters. You could get 270 days in jail if you have a picnic on the lake and bring glass bottles of ketchup, mustard, and relish. If you have a six-pack of Buddy’s Cola from New Ulm on your pontoon boat, you would face 540 days behind bars, because each bottle would be a separate offense under the precise language of the bill. If you bring a jar of cold cream when you go sunbathing, you could do 90 days for that misdemeanor. Rep. Welti later said he introduced the bill as an anti-littering proposal, but his bill outlaws mere “possession” of the deadly glass containers. (House File 522)
Rep. Bev Scalze (D-Little Canada) wants to authorize cities to provide their city employees with “staff, equipment, and facilities” for “preventive health and employee recognition services.” (House File 905)
Rep. Kim Norton (D-Rochester) wants to stick taxpayers with the bill when students take the SAT or ACT tests for college admission. (House File 984)
Rep. Scott Kranz (D-Blaine) wants to raise taxes on homeowners’ deeds by 66%. He would then take that money to subsidize the rents of non-homeowners and to build houses or rental units for other people. (House File 939)
Rep. Phyllis Kahn gave a noble effort for the best of the bunch. She has sponsored voting rights for 16 year olds, eliminating the cap for legislators expense, requiring schools to "shield" their stadium lights (a bill that is directed at DeLaSalle High School on Harriet Island whom Representative Kahn has been fueding with), taxing botox treatments or allowing lottery sales at the State Fair., Rep. Kahn has worked her hardest to spend your hard earned tax dollars as quickly as possible.
The big "winner" so far has to be Rep. Frank Hornstein who has proposed forcing large businesses to pay for employees child care, providing a credit for alternative fuel vehicles that lasts longer than the vehicle itself does, providing free GED's for homeless, mandating that the state will have to pay more for private bid DOT contracts, Rep. Hornstein makes certain to go that extra mile to waste state dollars.
There are 82 of these bills. You really should check them all out. Once you do, I hope you will take a few minutes to contact your representative and let them know how you feel about these bills.
Rep. Andy Welti (D-Plainview) wants to impose severe criminal penalties if you “carry, use, or possess” a glass container on a watercraft or along Minnesota’s public waters. You could get 270 days in jail if you have a picnic on the lake and bring glass bottles of ketchup, mustard, and relish. If you have a six-pack of Buddy’s Cola from New Ulm on your pontoon boat, you would face 540 days behind bars, because each bottle would be a separate offense under the precise language of the bill. If you bring a jar of cold cream when you go sunbathing, you could do 90 days for that misdemeanor. Rep. Welti later said he introduced the bill as an anti-littering proposal, but his bill outlaws mere “possession” of the deadly glass containers. (House File 522)
Rep. Bev Scalze (D-Little Canada) wants to authorize cities to provide their city employees with “staff, equipment, and facilities” for “preventive health and employee recognition services.” (House File 905)
Rep. Kim Norton (D-Rochester) wants to stick taxpayers with the bill when students take the SAT or ACT tests for college admission. (House File 984)
Rep. Scott Kranz (D-Blaine) wants to raise taxes on homeowners’ deeds by 66%. He would then take that money to subsidize the rents of non-homeowners and to build houses or rental units for other people. (House File 939)
Rep. Phyllis Kahn gave a noble effort for the best of the bunch. She has sponsored voting rights for 16 year olds, eliminating the cap for legislators expense, requiring schools to "shield" their stadium lights (a bill that is directed at DeLaSalle High School on Harriet Island whom Representative Kahn has been fueding with), taxing botox treatments or allowing lottery sales at the State Fair., Rep. Kahn has worked her hardest to spend your hard earned tax dollars as quickly as possible.
The big "winner" so far has to be Rep. Frank Hornstein who has proposed forcing large businesses to pay for employees child care, providing a credit for alternative fuel vehicles that lasts longer than the vehicle itself does, providing free GED's for homeless, mandating that the state will have to pay more for private bid DOT contracts, Rep. Hornstein makes certain to go that extra mile to waste state dollars.
There are 82 of these bills. You really should check them all out. Once you do, I hope you will take a few minutes to contact your representative and let them know how you feel about these bills.
Labels: MN Legislature
Cut Phyllis some slack. Last time she tried to make the voting age 8. She's doubled it. I think that's progress.
Kermit, at 7:42 PM
Oh, but you missed one! That's the one introduced that has been dubbed the "Freedom to Poop" Act. You know, the one that has all of your friends on the right side of the aisle all a-twitter at the chance to ridicule sick and disabled people AND make poop jokes at the same time.
Join the fun, honey! You, too can make fun of people with disabling, painful, embarrassing and chronic diseases. Or those with children with such diseases who have been refused the common decency of the use of a restroom by business owners who don't want to bother with such things.
Anonymous, at 6:57 PM
Here's the deal anonymous. While you ASSUME the worst about people, I try to bring out the best. The "Freedom to Poop" act is HORRIBLE legislation. However, I did not comment on it because other have. I prefered to bring attention to some other worthy pieces of legislation.
Oh and regarding your assumption....I got news for you honey! I know more about IDB and children (and incontinent parents) than you probably will know about for 15-20 years (based on your writing skills I would guess you are in your early 20's???). Employee restrooms are JUST THAT - for employees. There are plenty of public restrooms in those malls, but I have often found that if you ASK NICELY and not cop a major attitude, a sympathetic clerk or business owner will not have any problems allowing you to use their restroom.
Regardless - is that really the most pressing issue facing the state of Minnesota today? Most Minnesotans would agree that it is not!
The Lady Logician, at 6:02 PM
Here's the deal, Lady. You clearly DON'T know much about these diseases if you think that "asking nicely" works. The ideology that you profess of selfishnes above all is is directly what led to the need for this legislation. "I have every right in the world to act like a jerk and you can't make me do anything!" is what results in legislation like this.
As long as people like you trumpet induvidual rights over common human decency, the rest of us are left being ridiculed when we suggest that human kindness has a place in this world.
Anonymous, at 11:25 PM
Anonymous....when you have walked a mile in MY SHOES, then you can judge. You have no idea what I do or do not know about these diseases. Oh you ASSume that you know better because you FEEL that I am wrong, but you don't. You FEEL asking nicely doesn't work...I KNOW that it works BECAUSE I HAVE BEEN THERE!
So don't you dare tell me that "I don't know" when it is you that don't know what you are talking about.
The Lady Logician, at 9:59 AM still have not answered my question. IS THIS the most pressing issue facing the Minnesota legislature today? Is there nothing more important that we should be discussing?
The Lady Logician, at 10:05 AM
I because someone has a wee problem with Dyslexia, they are an "ignorant twat".
So much for tolerance of people with disorders.....I guess dyslexics don't count in your tolerant world eh?
The Lady Logician, at 5:52 PM
Not when they are ignorant twats they don't.
Anonymous, at 8:52 PM
So would I be correct in assuming that your tolerance only extends to those that agree with your philosphy? If they don't agree with you then they are "ignorant twats" that are open for your derision?
That's what I though.....
The Lady Logician, at 3:17 PM
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