Ladies Logic

Friday, March 09, 2007

Two way streets

I don't normally fisk Star Tribune letters to the editor because there are others who do it so much better. However, this one just blew my mind.

It's only a play
As someone who received 12 years of Catholic education, one of the principles I was taught was tolerance. I also have a strong belief in looking at oneself with a critical eye. Some self-deprecating humor never hurts either.
It seems to me that Catholics in an uproar over the play "The Pope and the Witch" miss these points.

R.S. Minneapolis"

I wonder, if R.S. held the same point of view last year when the Danish newspaper Jyllans-Posten published a set of cartoons that were seen as insulting to Islam. I seem to recall many, like R.S., who chastised the editors at Jyllans-Posten for not being "sensitive" to the feelings of the Muslims....

Nope - no double standard here...

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