Just a couple of quick thoughts
I've been rather busy lately, helping out friends with a couple of projects and that has really cut into the blogging time. However, I wanted to start the day with a couple of quick items that I hope will spark discussion.
First - why is it when an Evangelical Church makes available a voters guide (that is published by an outside interest like the League of Women Voters) to their congregants, they get into trouble with church/state watchdog groups. Yet Democratic candidates can get away with campaigning in the pulpit? Can you say double standard?
Second, am I the only one wondering if John Edwards has figured out the brouhaha over Amanda Marcotte yet? I mean he hires a woman who calls Christians "godbags" and now he is miffed when Ann Coulter returns the "compliment". Don't get me wrong...I think Ann stepped way over the line. I thought what she said at CPAC was in extremely poor taste. I have heard Ann's defenders and I think their excuses ring as hollow as Amanada Marcotte's lefty defenders excuses did. However, for Edwards to so vocally express his indignation when it took him a week to even respond to L'Affaire Marcotte seems just a wee bit hypocritical to me.
But then again, I just a right wing "godbag". Obviously I'm just not as smart as our friends on the left are.
First - why is it when an Evangelical Church makes available a voters guide (that is published by an outside interest like the League of Women Voters) to their congregants, they get into trouble with church/state watchdog groups. Yet Democratic candidates can get away with campaigning in the pulpit? Can you say double standard?
Second, am I the only one wondering if John Edwards has figured out the brouhaha over Amanda Marcotte yet? I mean he hires a woman who calls Christians "godbags" and now he is miffed when Ann Coulter returns the "compliment". Don't get me wrong...I think Ann stepped way over the line. I thought what she said at CPAC was in extremely poor taste. I have heard Ann's defenders and I think their excuses ring as hollow as Amanada Marcotte's lefty defenders excuses did. However, for Edwards to so vocally express his indignation when it took him a week to even respond to L'Affaire Marcotte seems just a wee bit hypocritical to me.
But then again, I just a right wing "godbag". Obviously I'm just not as smart as our friends on the left are.
Labels: Bush Derangement Syndrome, Democrats, Republicans
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