Ladies Logic

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Big mother is watching you.

Least you think that Minnesota has the lock on the nanny state insanity, fear not. For California has us beat. The LA Times even admits that it is "Big mother".

"SACRAMENTO -- Enjoy fast food? Like to light up while you watch the waves? Forget to sock away money for your kids' education?Some California lawmakers want to change your ways. They've planted a crop of proposals this year — "nanny" bills, as they're called — that would:
• Restrict the use of artery-clogging trans fat, common in fried and baked foods and linked to heart disease, in restaurants and school cafeterias.
• Bar smoking at state parks and beaches, and in cars carrying children.
• Open a savings account, seeded with $500, for every newborn Californian to use at 18 for college, a first home purchase or an investment for retirement.
• Fine dog and cat owners who don't spay or neuter their pets by 4 months of age.
• Require chain restaurants to list calorie, saturated fat and sodium content on menus.
• Phase out the sale of incandescent light bulbs, which are less energy-efficient than compact fluorescent bulbs."

The Republican legislators in California are speaking out - as they should be doing here!

"Could you imagine the founding fathers dealing with — I don't know — wearing a helmet when you're in the buggy?" said the Assembly's Republican leader, Mike Villines of Clovis."We all know you can't mandate behavior; it just does not work," he said. "It creates criminals of people for things that are not criminal behavior…. You can't legislate for stupidity."

Indeed - can you imagine how the Founding Fathers would handle this? I would think that the answer is easy.

The answer - from a Constructionist point of view - is a simple one. LIMITED GOVERNMENT. It is time for the citizens to start holding government accountable and make sure that government shrinks and not grows.

I hope to see you ALL on Saturday at the Tax Cut Rally. Noon at the Capital Steps. BE THERE!



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