Final notes on the town hall meeting
This is all personal opinion and observation!
When I arrived last night, the protesters were already out in force. I think the best sign (or at least the most ironic) was this one.

You want to defend "life" eh? How do you feel about killing unborn babies?
Across from the line of protesters was these two brave youngsters (he's 13, she's 11) who supported the troops!
Across from the line of protesters was these two brave youngsters (he's 13, she's 11) who supported the troops!

Well, if Heny Kissinger says it's hopeless......

This is an overview of what we saw coming in. The folks handing out literature were to the right - in front of the door.

I mentioned in the first post the of the hand-outs (from a group called CD2 Patriots for Peace) welcomed everyone to the event and as that everyone show respect towards one another. Here are a few examples of the "respect" that the anti-war folks showed toward those who disagreed with them. Besides the one that accused Merrilee Carlson and Sgt Thul's representatives of "spin", there were instances (especially during the question and answer session) where those who spoke in support of the troops were greeted with chuckles, chortles and snorts of derision. One woman who spoke, asked if anyone had seen the movie "Obsession" as was shown on Fox Television. The mention of Fox caused the lefties to laugh - loudly enough that you could not hear the questioner speak - some respect! When the speaker mentioned that she was thankful for the alternative media, the Code Pinker next to me said "OHMIGOD". I mentioned their reaction to the suggestion of rolling back the tax cuts - hoots and hollers? Well the Code Pinker next to me eagerly hissed "YES" at that suggestion. When the Iraqi national was speaking - pleading for our help - her reaction was to sigh heavily and roll her eyes up! Lots of respect for opposing points of view eh?
All in all, the town hall meeting was very informative. I learned a lot (about the new strategy) and I also learned a lot about the anti-war movement and what I learned was not heartening at all. I learned that the anti-war movement is opportunistic and regardless of their protestations, they do not care about the troops execpt as props in their agenda. And to me, that was the saddest lesson of all.
Labels: Anti-War Movement
Thanks! Nice through job. Video alone doesn't convey the great dialogue that took place. Even a transcript is inadequate in some cases. Your analysis is very helpful.
John Kline's wife was a tremendous moderator. I kid you not - half the people were scoping the place with cameras or video recorders including the CD2 Patriots for Peace who handed out their own "Welcome" and Evaluation form even though they had no involvement in the event. CD2 Patriots for Peace methodically video'ed each participant close up as they walked through the front door. I feel deceived - CD2 Patriots for Peace welcomed us as if they were the hosts and they weren't. Their lit also implies they were the hosts. At least one other person submitted the eval to Brooke (part of the true host team) and it was explained the group was not involved with the Kline team.
Anonymous, at 11:46 PM
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