Ladies Logic

Friday, May 25, 2007

Giving credit where credit is due

I got this in the inbox today.

"Dear Republican Friend:

With the legislature now likely out of session until next year, taxpayers here in Minnesota can finally breathe a sigh of relief. By standing strong against the Democrats’ insatiable desire for tax increases and reckless government spending, Minnesotans have much to cheer.
Governor Pawlenty deserves great credit for the strong fiscal leadership he has demonstrated for our state. Representative Marty Seifert and Senator David Senjem did a great job, and the fact that they held their caucuses together strengthened the Governor’s hand.
Let’s briefly review some of the key GOP hard earned victories this legislative session:
Held the line against over $5 billion in new job-killing tax increases.
Protected taxpayers by opposing proposals to hike the gasoline tax by up to 48 cents over 10 years.
Blocked a proposal to give us the highest marginal income tax rate in the nation.
Prevented increases in the state sales tax, vehicle tax and many more.
Demanded that the state live within its means with a responsible increase in state spending.
Stopped the so called “Dream Act” from becoming law. This bill will would have provided in-state education benefits for illegal immigrants.
Made certain taxpayers did not have to pay for domestic partner benefits.
Precluded the Democrats from overriding the Governor on any bill. "

Now I will agree with the Chairman that the Governor, with the use of his veto pen, was deserving of some credit for the successes of this past session, however I think a lot of credit also needs to go to Minority Leader Seifert. He did something that a more tenured legislator (former Speaker Steve Sviggum) could not do. He held a oft-times fractious Republican caucus together so that there was not chance of over-rides. There are a couple of first ring suburban Republican legislators that seem to delight in throwing their caucus members "under the bus" so to see the caucus hold so strong is indeed a testament to the Minorty Leader's skills.

"Governor Pawlenty and Republican leaders have done much to make us proud. I am honored to have worked with Governor Pawlenty and the House and Senate caucuses to help advance their pro-taxpayer agenda. "

Again, I agree. The Governor and the Republican leadership in the House and Senate have much to be proud of.

"At the Republican Party of Minnesota, we worked hand in hand with the caucus leaders and the Governor to advocate the conservative position. In the press, we aggressively attacked the DFL’s tax proposals and even produced a web video which garnered a good deal of attention. "

The Party was certainly agressive in the papers and in producing the web videos, but.....

"By rallying constituents to let their legislators know how they felt about the DFL’s tax bills, we helped Minnesotans learn the facts through BPOU leader updates, the Newsline, and targeted phone calling."

EXCUSE ME????? I think I maybe got one email or call out of the state party during the entire session that wasn't asking for money. Everything I learned about the propsed bills in the session I got from my own sources. I sent out more emails to my friends and family about what the DFL leadership was up to than I got from the state party!!! I know a lot of BPOU leaders who are frustrated to no end at the lack of communication that has come out of the state party headquarters.

If it were not for some of the intrepid bloggers in this state, I doubt much would have gotten out to the activists. Blogs like SCSU Scholars and Minnesota Democrats Exposed and Residual Forces and Freedom Dogs and Anti-Strib and Let Freedom Ring and Eckernet were all more instrumental in getting the word out about what was happening in St. Paul during the last legislative session, and for that, the Minnesota GOP should be ashamed.



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