Speech Codes...
Free speech was such a "hot button" issue for the Founding Fathers that they made it the FIRST right guaranteed in their fledgling democracy. They had seen - first hand what government run "speech codes" were and how easy it was to abuse them. Even today, we see how governments can abuse their authority and shut down media outlets that do not tow the "party line". That is why the calls (from the right and from the left) for the renewal of the "Fairness" Doctrine should scare the pants off of freedom loving Americans from all walks of life. Speech "codes" have been gradually creeping across the American landscape for many years now. Starting first at the university level and on now to the government, free speech in this country is increasingly under attack. The proponents of the "Fairness" Doctrine say that the airwaves - being public - are required to provide all sides of the story.
Whether it be pornography or hate crimes legislation, religion or talk radio the government is encroaching in what we say and what we do. While some on the left may think that the reinstatement of the "Fairness" Doctrine may be a good thing, let me run a hypothetical past you. Say (for sake of argument) the Fairness Doctrine is passed by Congress and signed by President Bush. Then President Bush finds a way around the 22nd Amendment (which limits the President to only two terms). CBS airs a tape of a violent anti government protest and under the auspices of the Fairness Doctrine, President Bush demands that CBS air footage of a pro-government demonstration or he will yank their license (after all the airwaves should be "fair"...RIGHT?????). Do you really think that Senator Diane Feinstein would go on Fox News (as she did this weekend) praising the Fairness Doctrine? If she did, do you think her supporters on the left would be encouraging her as they are today?
Another hypothetical....suppose the WCCO gives (as it did this weekend) coverage to the local gay pride parade. Under the Fairness Doctrine, they would be forced to give EQUAL COVERAGE to the counter demonstrations that took place at the same time.
So while all of you out there who hate Rush Limbaugh and hate Sean Hannity and hate Jason Lewis and everything that they stand for are pushing for this realize one thing....if the fairness doctrine gets enacted all of their listeners will be scrutinizing Air America, MPR, WCCO and any other media outlet that has a license for the "public" airwaves for any perception of bias and they will be filing complaints. Are you sure you want to open yourself up to that kind of scrutiny? Or would you rather let free speech rule the day and let the market decide?
Choose wisely - it may be the only time you get to make the choice.
Whether it be pornography or hate crimes legislation, religion or talk radio the government is encroaching in what we say and what we do. While some on the left may think that the reinstatement of the "Fairness" Doctrine may be a good thing, let me run a hypothetical past you. Say (for sake of argument) the Fairness Doctrine is passed by Congress and signed by President Bush. Then President Bush finds a way around the 22nd Amendment (which limits the President to only two terms). CBS airs a tape of a violent anti government protest and under the auspices of the Fairness Doctrine, President Bush demands that CBS air footage of a pro-government demonstration or he will yank their license (after all the airwaves should be "fair"...RIGHT?????). Do you really think that Senator Diane Feinstein would go on Fox News (as she did this weekend) praising the Fairness Doctrine? If she did, do you think her supporters on the left would be encouraging her as they are today?
Another hypothetical....suppose the WCCO gives (as it did this weekend) coverage to the local gay pride parade. Under the Fairness Doctrine, they would be forced to give EQUAL COVERAGE to the counter demonstrations that took place at the same time.
So while all of you out there who hate Rush Limbaugh and hate Sean Hannity and hate Jason Lewis and everything that they stand for are pushing for this realize one thing....if the fairness doctrine gets enacted all of their listeners will be scrutinizing Air America, MPR, WCCO and any other media outlet that has a license for the "public" airwaves for any perception of bias and they will be filing complaints. Are you sure you want to open yourself up to that kind of scrutiny? Or would you rather let free speech rule the day and let the market decide?
Choose wisely - it may be the only time you get to make the choice.
Labels: Fairness Doctrine, Free Speech
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