Ladies Logic

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Well now we know why Senator Reid is in such a hurry to get the surrender vote done and over with. (H/T Gary at LFR)

"CNN's Michael Ware said in a broadcast Jan. 30 that Ramadi is "the true al Qaida national headquarters." If that were true, al Qaida is in bigger trouble in Iraq than most of us realize.
Radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt devoted his show last Wednesday to the (overwhelmingly negative) opinions of Iraq war veterans on the demands of Democrats that U.S. troops be pulled out. One call was from "Bruce in Upland," whose son is a soldier currently serving in Iraq.
"I will speak for my son who right now is bored out of his mind in Ramadi, because he hasn't heard a shot fired in combat now in about six or seven weeks," Bruce said."

It seems like word is finally getting out that we ARE winning, the surge IS working and he does not want to wait for General Petraus to appear on the nightly news in two months declaring victory in Iraq. Even the UN Secretary General is on the record saying that the Senator Reid's insistence on immediate withdrawal is a foolish idea.

"(CBS News) NEW YORK United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is to meet President Bush in Washington Tuesday, a day after publicly weighing in for the first time on the debate raging across the United States about when to pull American troops out of Iraq. Ban warned Monday that an abrupt U.S. troop pullout could deepen the crisis in Iraq, and he urged the United States to keep the Iraqi people in mind when making decisions on the increasingly unpopular war. Ban, who said Iraq would be a major point of discussion at Monday's meeting with Mr. Bush, said both the United States and the international community have a responsibility not to abandon the Iraqi people. "

If it isn't obvious, by now, that the Democratic Party is more concerned about scoring cheap political points - as opposed to working for the good of the country, I don't know what it will take for the American people to get that point. How can they, in good conscience, given the news that is coming out of Iraq and given the warnings of General Petraus (among others) and Sec'y General Moon, continue to push for this "immediate withdrawal"?

Their agenda is showing and it is not pretty.

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