Ladies Logic

Sunday, July 15, 2007


Last night was the 3rd Annual MOB summer bash at Keegan's Irish Pub in Minneapolis. It is a chance for people who normally only converse in the cyber realm to get together and enjoy a good Irish Whiskey or beer and just enjoy a lovely Minnesota summer evening. The Logical Husband and I were there as were Janet and King from SCSU Scholars, Michael from MDE, Mitch from SITD, AAA (and his lovely GF who is another horse person like me) from RF, the whole pack from Freedom Dogs, Barry formerly from Water Cooler Wisdom, Learned Foot from KAR, Kevin from Eckernet and many, many others were there. And these are just the ones I got a chance to stop and visit with!

Michael introduced me to a friend of his who asked my "why" I do this. We got into a lot of issue specific reasons, but the real reason came to me this afternoon when we took the Junior Logician to see "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix". At the end of the movie, young Harry tells his friends why he thinks that they will succeed in their fight against Lord Voldomort..."because we have something to fight for" and I realized that was why I do this. Because I have something that I care about so deeply that I must fight for it. Pure and simple, I fight for the ideals that our Founding Fathers fought, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It may sound hokey, but it really is that simple. I think that the ideals of liberty, prosperity, security, and family ARE worth fighting for and so I blog.



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