Is Ron Paul the answer?
Well that depends on what the question is. If the question is which candidate has the most devoted followers the answer is definately Ron Paul. However if the question is which Republican, announced or unannounced, is the best candidate for President, Ron is not the answer. Oh his devotees will tell you in no uncertain terms that Rep. Paul is the most conservative of the candidates, but is that really true. A look at the voting record would indicate that is not the fact.
While Rep. Paul opposes federal funding for abortion, he voted against a bill that forbade human cloning for research and against a bill that restricted transporting minors to abortion clinics without parental permission and against a bill that made it a crime to harm a fetus during the commission of another crime. Rep. Paul voted for a bill that banned gay couples from adopting children in DC and voted twice against the Federal Marriage Amendment. Rep. Paul says he is in favor of a Constitutional Amendment for school prayer, he voted against a bill allowing school prayer and against a flag desecration bill (to be fair I would have voted the same way - that was an unconstitutional piece of legislation).
Rep. Paul voted to abolish Medicare and the IRS and the Department of Homeland Security but voted for funding these organizations. He voted against limiting the prescription drug benefit given to Medicare recipients and against capping damages in medical lawsuits. He says that he is for school vouchers - voting for a bill allowing vouchers for private and parochial schools and then he voted against a bill that would have given parents in Washington DC school vouchers. He voted against more prosecution of juvenile crime and yes to fund alternative sentencing rather than building prisons and he opposes the death penalty. He says he is a "friend to the taxpayer" (voting for all of the Bush tax cuts and he has a 89% NTU rating) and he has made a big show of voting against pork....unless it is his own!
How ever it is in the National Security arena that disagree most with Rep. Paul. Rep. Paul is against the same kind of electronic surveillance that England used to catch last week's bombing suspects and to foil several others. He is against our fighting al Qaeda in Iraq, he has voted against defense appropriations and against funding for our troops that are in Iraq and Afghanistan. He said that Reagan "showed courage" in running away from the Islamist attackers in Jordan (something I know drives my friend Gary S. up the wall). He is a very strict isolationist - which is simply not tenable in the Global economy we live in.
Rep. Paul is for legalizing hemp and medical marijuana - he has an "A" rating from the organization Vote-Hemp.
He is hardly the conservative savior that his supporters claim he is.
There are a multitude of other issues and statements that Rep Paul has made that show him to be the moderate he truly is. Oh sure, he talks a great game while he is campaigning, but as I said in 2006, take a look at the actions - not the words. When you look at the voting record, you find that Rep Paul is not what he claims to be.
While Rep. Paul opposes federal funding for abortion, he voted against a bill that forbade human cloning for research and against a bill that restricted transporting minors to abortion clinics without parental permission and against a bill that made it a crime to harm a fetus during the commission of another crime. Rep. Paul voted for a bill that banned gay couples from adopting children in DC and voted twice against the Federal Marriage Amendment. Rep. Paul says he is in favor of a Constitutional Amendment for school prayer, he voted against a bill allowing school prayer and against a flag desecration bill (to be fair I would have voted the same way - that was an unconstitutional piece of legislation).
Rep. Paul voted to abolish Medicare and the IRS and the Department of Homeland Security but voted for funding these organizations. He voted against limiting the prescription drug benefit given to Medicare recipients and against capping damages in medical lawsuits. He says that he is for school vouchers - voting for a bill allowing vouchers for private and parochial schools and then he voted against a bill that would have given parents in Washington DC school vouchers. He voted against more prosecution of juvenile crime and yes to fund alternative sentencing rather than building prisons and he opposes the death penalty. He says he is a "friend to the taxpayer" (voting for all of the Bush tax cuts and he has a 89% NTU rating) and he has made a big show of voting against pork....unless it is his own!
How ever it is in the National Security arena that disagree most with Rep. Paul. Rep. Paul is against the same kind of electronic surveillance that England used to catch last week's bombing suspects and to foil several others. He is against our fighting al Qaeda in Iraq, he has voted against defense appropriations and against funding for our troops that are in Iraq and Afghanistan. He said that Reagan "showed courage" in running away from the Islamist attackers in Jordan (something I know drives my friend Gary S. up the wall). He is a very strict isolationist - which is simply not tenable in the Global economy we live in.
Rep. Paul is for legalizing hemp and medical marijuana - he has an "A" rating from the organization Vote-Hemp.
He is hardly the conservative savior that his supporters claim he is.
There are a multitude of other issues and statements that Rep Paul has made that show him to be the moderate he truly is. Oh sure, he talks a great game while he is campaigning, but as I said in 2006, take a look at the actions - not the words. When you look at the voting record, you find that Rep Paul is not what he claims to be.
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