Ladies Logic

Friday, July 06, 2007

Dog Days

Now there are just too many ways you can go with this story.

"Jane Balogh said she registered the Australian shepherd-terrier mix to vote in protest of a 2005 state voter-registration law that she says makes it too easy for noncitizens to vote.
She put her phone bill in Duncan's name, then used the phone bill as identification to register him as a voter."

Now what Jane did IS wrong....regardless of her reasoning for doing so. There is no excusing what she did and to her credit, she is not trying to do so.

"Balogh said she doesn't plan to contest the charge because "I know I'm guilty." She said she submitted ballots in the dog's name in the September and November 2006 and May 2007 elections. She wrote "VOID" on the ballots and didn't cast any votes."

However, the fact that Duncan was sent 3 absentee ballots is pretty stunning. What is even more stunning is the reaction of the elections office.

"The elections office says the system is designed to catch fraud in voting, not the registration process."

Now by using the elections offices logic, there should not even be a prosecution. After all, Duncan didn't vote did he????? No harm, no foul...

Seriously, someone in the elections office needs to start smacking around a few heads and they need to START looking for (and catching) fraudulent registrations. Because those fraudulent registrations LEAD to fraudulent votes. If people can register multiple times or register their pet and their dead Aunt Sophie, what is to stop those from using those registrations to vote!

We need photo ID verification for registration and voting! The time has long since passed for that. It is not going to be an undue burden on the poor - if they are getting public assistance they have to have a photo ID so that is no excuse. The ONLY people that are "inconvenienced" by having to produce photo ID are the people who are trying to cheat the system! Something to keep in mind the next time a politician says we can't have photo IDs at the polls.

The worlds best border collie (patent pending) is actually a border collie/Australian Shepherd cross and she definately has the smarts of both breeds. If Duncan has half the smarts that most Aussies have (and the terrier part has some smarts too) he is probably a much smarter voter than most folks who have cast ballots before him. Maybe it wouldn't hurt.....

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