A vacation is all I ever wanted.
The Star Tribune never fails to provide us with examples of their agenda driven reporting. Today's example comes from yesterday's paper.
The Strib does a quick little fluff piece on a study done by the Center for Economic Policy Research entitled "No Vacation Nation". In the piece, the Strib echo's the study's call for government mandated vacation time.
"While other countries guarantee time off from jobs -- Finland 39 days a year, Canada 18 and Japan 10 -- U.S. law gives workers a right to zero days off, even for holidays."
To heck with incentive to attract and keep the best employees, every one should be guaranteed a paid vacation....OK.
Now, we have to ask, what do we know about the CEPR. Well they are DC based and some of their financial backers include groups like the Arca Foundation (whose other grantees include the People for the American Way, the Progressive America Fund and the Progressive Populist Education Fund), the Nathan Cummings Foundation (whose grantees include the ACLU Freedom Network, the Los Angeles Poverty Foundation and National Public Radio) and The Open Society Institute - George Soros' Foundation.
So it appears that this "drive" by the Star Tribune to have the government tell business how much vacation they must provide is sponsored by the usual pro-socialist suspects. Why do I not find that surprising.
The Strib does a quick little fluff piece on a study done by the Center for Economic Policy Research entitled "No Vacation Nation". In the piece, the Strib echo's the study's call for government mandated vacation time.
"While other countries guarantee time off from jobs -- Finland 39 days a year, Canada 18 and Japan 10 -- U.S. law gives workers a right to zero days off, even for holidays."
To heck with incentive to attract and keep the best employees, every one should be guaranteed a paid vacation....OK.
Now, we have to ask, what do we know about the CEPR. Well they are DC based and some of their financial backers include groups like the Arca Foundation (whose other grantees include the People for the American Way, the Progressive America Fund and the Progressive Populist Education Fund), the Nathan Cummings Foundation (whose grantees include the ACLU Freedom Network, the Los Angeles Poverty Foundation and National Public Radio) and The Open Society Institute - George Soros' Foundation.
So it appears that this "drive" by the Star Tribune to have the government tell business how much vacation they must provide is sponsored by the usual pro-socialist suspects. Why do I not find that surprising.
Labels: Nanny Government
My wife and i will be celebrating our 25th anniversary on 7/10 in Williamsburg VA. One whole week of non government mandated beach, culture and history financed by us.
Could be because there are still jobs in America. Unlike Europistan.
Kermit, at 9:26 PM
Congrats on the anniversary Kermit. The Logical Husband and I are coming up on 26 this year!
The Lady Logician, at 10:01 PM
I have been self-employed for the past 10 years. I am currently sitting at a rented cabin near a lake in Nisswa, and when I finish reading the newspaper and my favorite blogs (including this one), I will catch up on some of my work, before going for a bike ride. The nature of work has changed, but some people still measure employment and benefits in the same old way. Technically, I haven't had a "vacation day" in 10 years, but I most assuredly go on vacations.
Anonymous, at 6:35 AM
First off thanks for making me one of your favorites.
I too am self employed. Because of that (and a reallly great "employer") I am able to be home with the Junior Logician before and after school. It allows us to do a lot of things that a "traditional" job would never allow.
You're right - the nature of work has changed and for the better IMHO.
The Lady Logician, at 7:01 AM
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