Ladies Logic

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


In the reporting on President Bush's commutation of Scooter Libby's jail sentence, a local radio station has been playing a sound byte of Presidential hopeful (and former First Lady) Hillary Clinton talking about how the pardon "elevated cronyism over the rule of law".

OK - after the hysterical laughter subsided I started to think back to the waning hours of the Clinton Administration. During his last 24 hours in office
President Clinton pardoned the following:

Marc Rich - contributor (through his wife) to the Clinton Library and fugitive convicted of tax evasion was pardoned.
Dan Rostenkowski - fellow Democrat (IL) convicted of fraud was pardoned.
Mel Reynolds - another fellow Democrat (from Illinois) convicted of bank fraud, sexual assualt, obstruction of justice AND solicitation of child ponography - his fraud sentence was commuted.
Roger Clinton - the presidents half-brother was pardoned after serving time on a drug related charge.
Almon Braswell - convicted of mail fraud and was the subject of an active money laundering investigation (federal). Braswell gave $200,000 to Hugh Rodham (Hillary's brother) and within weeks, was pardoned on ALL charges.
Carlos Vignali - a convicted drug trafficer who had his sentence commuted.
Edgar and Vonna Jo Gregory - "friends" of Tony Rodham who were pardoned after their bank fraud conviction. After the pardon was received, Tony Rodham received $107,000 in "loans" from the Gregory' that were never repaid!

Look - it is the Constitutionally given right of ANY President to pardon or commute the sentence of any person he or she so chooses. This is not flouting the "rule of law" as many Democrats are saying today, au IS the rule of law and Hillary (of all people) knows this fact better than anyone else!

If this (the commuting of Scooter's prison sentence) is "cronyism" what do you call the rewarding of people who gave money directly to you or your family? Talk about chutzpah!

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