Ladies Logic

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The truth is out!

AAA has a marvelous rant up today about a sad chapter in Minnesota history.

"I am one who thinks ending a pregnancy is not a right. I do think that under certain circumstances it is ok. BUT!!!!!!!!! I do not support the DFL’s S.O.P. of abortion as a form of birth control.
Here’s the fact that far too many people are unwilling to state.
Having sex leads to pregnancy.
I’m unwilling to let the DFL and liberal groups that support abortion try to play this off as a funding problem. No the problem is irresponsible human beings. Sure accidents happen, but don’t take that out on an innocent life form who just happens to have to damned luck to be conceived to a person who doesn’t want it.
I am sorry, but 14,065 humans were murdered last year right here in Minnesota, and it seems no one cares. The number of lives lost to abortion might be close, if not *the*, leading cause of death here in Minnesota. " (emphasis in the original)

We have long heard the proponents of abortion claim that the proceedure is not used for birth control. Yet the story that AAA quoted tells another story.

" The top reason given for abortions in the report was "does not want children at this time."

Here is a thought ladies - and I don't mean to sound harsh or anything, but if you don't want to have children - DON'T HAVE SEX!!!! How basic a concept is that?

If life issues are important to you, go read Andy's post on the subject.



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