We LOVE the troops
So the left claims time after time. Yet they never fail to show their true colors when they think they are among fellow travelers. A KOS Diary, titled "KILLITARY: How America's Armed Forces Create Serial Killers and Mass Murderers" was posted last Thursday. The author, Corey Mitchell, also posted this to his personal blog "In Cold Blood" but he pulled it from BOTH sites after he started taking heat from both the right and the left. Charles Johnson at LGF has the Google cache of both posts, as does the USA Today blog who interviewed Mitchell yesterday. Mitchell, of course, said that the readers "misunderstood" what he said.
"The piece was completely misinterpreted by the readers," he says. "I don't know if that's because I did a bad job writing it? ... My piece was pro-soldier all the way."
Gee - you don't suppose that the title "KILLITARY" in all caps had anything to do with the "misunderstanding" do you Corey?
Not to be outdone, A Whitney Brown discussed his love of the military in a diary dated Monday July 23.
"Hello, I’m A. Whitney Brown, and I support our brave troops overseas. We all do and we all should.... I think they’re a bunch of idiots. I also think they’re morally retarded. Because they sign a contract that says they will kill whoever you tell me to kill. And that is morally retarded. Friends, the most important moral decision a man makes in the course of a day is "Who am I going to kill today?" That’s a decision you should agonize over, dream about, rehearse in your mind for hours, not just leave up to some hare-brained President you didn’t even vote for. A man’s killing list is a very personal matter. It should be between him and those persistent voices in his head. So to sum up, I don’t like our troops, I don’t like what they’re doing, I don’t like their fat, whining families, and yet, I support them. Thank God I live in a free country. Thank You. " (emphasis mine)
With support like that how can we lose! To his credit, it appears that Markos Moulitsas (Kos of the Daily Kos) has had enough!
"There has lately been an alarming rise in diaries and comments that seek to impugn (without evidence) the motives of those they disagree with on various issues.
Yes, there's the impeachment stuff, but this nasty rhetoric is also rampant in the primary war diaries.
This points to a serious breakdown not just on civility, but in the ability of people to properly debate various issues. As such, it presents a serious threat to the integrity of this site."
Of course a lot of this probably has to do with the fact that Markos desperately wants to be "mainstream". JetBlue Airways was supposed to be a sponsor of the Yearly Kos Convention, a convention that I am sure takes a lot of money to run. That sponsorship was pulled last week when people on the center right said "I will never fly on an airline that sponsors this kind of lunacy!" Markos knows that if he is ever going to get the mainstream recognition he craves he is going to have to get the "nut"roots under control FAST. The problem is that there is several years worth of archives for people to go through.
When I started blogging 2 years ago, I too was put off by the incivility in the debate. That factored largely in my pseudonym. Regardless of our differences, I wanted to keep the discussion civil. I knew that maintaining a "ladylike" persona would help me keep my oft volitile temper in check.
It is very easy to demonize the other side when you are dealing with the impersonal internet. However we can and will change the tone of the internet, as long as site owners strive to keep the discussion civil. I wish Markos well in his drive to clean up the atmosphere over at the Daily Kos. I do hope that he means what he says.
"The piece was completely misinterpreted by the readers," he says. "I don't know if that's because I did a bad job writing it? ... My piece was pro-soldier all the way."
Gee - you don't suppose that the title "KILLITARY" in all caps had anything to do with the "misunderstanding" do you Corey?
Not to be outdone, A Whitney Brown discussed his love of the military in a diary dated Monday July 23.
"Hello, I’m A. Whitney Brown, and I support our brave troops overseas. We all do and we all should.... I think they’re a bunch of idiots. I also think they’re morally retarded. Because they sign a contract that says they will kill whoever you tell me to kill. And that is morally retarded. Friends, the most important moral decision a man makes in the course of a day is "Who am I going to kill today?" That’s a decision you should agonize over, dream about, rehearse in your mind for hours, not just leave up to some hare-brained President you didn’t even vote for. A man’s killing list is a very personal matter. It should be between him and those persistent voices in his head. So to sum up, I don’t like our troops, I don’t like what they’re doing, I don’t like their fat, whining families, and yet, I support them. Thank God I live in a free country. Thank You. " (emphasis mine)
With support like that how can we lose! To his credit, it appears that Markos Moulitsas (Kos of the Daily Kos) has had enough!
"There has lately been an alarming rise in diaries and comments that seek to impugn (without evidence) the motives of those they disagree with on various issues.
Yes, there's the impeachment stuff, but this nasty rhetoric is also rampant in the primary war diaries.
This points to a serious breakdown not just on civility, but in the ability of people to properly debate various issues. As such, it presents a serious threat to the integrity of this site."
Of course a lot of this probably has to do with the fact that Markos desperately wants to be "mainstream". JetBlue Airways was supposed to be a sponsor of the Yearly Kos Convention, a convention that I am sure takes a lot of money to run. That sponsorship was pulled last week when people on the center right said "I will never fly on an airline that sponsors this kind of lunacy!" Markos knows that if he is ever going to get the mainstream recognition he craves he is going to have to get the "nut"roots under control FAST. The problem is that there is several years worth of archives for people to go through.
When I started blogging 2 years ago, I too was put off by the incivility in the debate. That factored largely in my pseudonym. Regardless of our differences, I wanted to keep the discussion civil. I knew that maintaining a "ladylike" persona would help me keep my oft volitile temper in check.
It is very easy to demonize the other side when you are dealing with the impersonal internet. However we can and will change the tone of the internet, as long as site owners strive to keep the discussion civil. I wish Markos well in his drive to clean up the atmosphere over at the Daily Kos. I do hope that he means what he says.
Labels: Bloggers and Blogging, Bush Derangement Syndrome, Crude America
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