What happens when you mess with the "powerful"?
A blogging friend of mine found out, this week, what happens to those who hit a little too close to the secrets of the rich and powerful. Earlier this week, Gary Gross at Let Freedom Ring blog and California Conservative blog, published a post about how the governments case against the Haditha Marines had essentially fallen apart. Gary's post was picked up by the Instapundit and Michelle Malkin (among others). Gary called Congressman John Murtha's (D-PA12) office for a statement, since the Congressman had declared the Marines guilty on national TV, and got blown off - something he again published in his blogs. Then a couple of days later, he had a post on Rep. Keith Ellison (DFL MN5) that got picked up by Powerline AND Michelle Malkin. Yesterday, someone hacked both of Gary's sites, re-directing the URL's to a suspended website. Obviously, he hit a nerve somewhere.
So the Dems have tipped their hands and sent a warning. They know that they can't go after the Michelle Malkin's and Hugh Hewitt's of the world, but they can make life miserable for the "lesser knowns". Oh to be sure, you will never see Congressman Murtha's or Ellison's fingers directly on this attack on free speech, but make no mistake, they are not displeased that this detractor has been shut up - even if it is for a couple of days. The Democrats in the Senate have already shown that they are "afraid of the people". They showed that when they defeated the Coleman/Thune Amendment that would prohibit the FCC from re-instituting the so-called "Fairness Doctrine". They said it loud - they DON'T want the American people to know what they are doing because THEY DON'T want to hear from you!
Keep it up - we ARE making a difference. Yeah it might get hairy from time to time but we are making a difference.
Oh and for Gary - while he is working on getting his websites back you might want to say a prayer for him - if you are so inclined!
UPDATE AND BUMP: Well - Gary was back up for a couple of minutes....keep checking back at LFR. Once he's back up, Gary promises to give us an update!
So the Dems have tipped their hands and sent a warning. They know that they can't go after the Michelle Malkin's and Hugh Hewitt's of the world, but they can make life miserable for the "lesser knowns". Oh to be sure, you will never see Congressman Murtha's or Ellison's fingers directly on this attack on free speech, but make no mistake, they are not displeased that this detractor has been shut up - even if it is for a couple of days. The Democrats in the Senate have already shown that they are "afraid of the people". They showed that when they defeated the Coleman/Thune Amendment that would prohibit the FCC from re-instituting the so-called "Fairness Doctrine". They said it loud - they DON'T want the American people to know what they are doing because THEY DON'T want to hear from you!
Keep it up - we ARE making a difference. Yeah it might get hairy from time to time but we are making a difference.
Oh and for Gary - while he is working on getting his websites back you might want to say a prayer for him - if you are so inclined!
UPDATE AND BUMP: Well - Gary was back up for a couple of minutes....keep checking back at LFR. Once he's back up, Gary promises to give us an update!
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