Ladies Logic

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Remember that whole "Culture of Corruption" meme and how the Democrats promised they were going to "drain the swamp" if voters would just give them the reins of power in DC???? Well, the swamp is actually getting BIGGER, not smaller as this logical lady points out.

"Last year, Rep. Nancy Pelosi promised to drain the GOP swamp and reform earmark spending. This year, the House speaker argued that the $22 billion extra that Democrats want to spend on top of the Bush administration's budget represents "a very small difference."...The swamp isn't likely to be drained with Pelosi throwing her support behind Rep. Jack Murtha of Pennsylvania, a Prince of Earmarks who sponsored $163 million worth of earmarks in seven spending bills this year, according to Taxpayers for Common Sense.
Worse, the so-called Democratic reform that was supposed to discourage pork spending by making earmarks more transparent now seems likely to fuel the Dems' spending spree. Rep. Nancy Boyda, D-Kansas, told The New York Times, "My guess is that next year I'm going to be putting in more earmarks."

With this kind of reform you know the taxpayers pocketbook is being well protected.

The good news for Republicans is that they can take advantage of this - especially in Republican leaning districts like Minnesota's First Congressional District. Freshman Congressman Tim Walz has to distance himself from all of this or he runs the risk of being a one and done. Wouldn't that be a shame?????

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