Ladies Logic

Monday, August 20, 2007

Would you like some cheese?

I really didn't say much about this Ellen Goodman whine fest when it came out (although I did talk to Mitch and Ed about it on their NARN broadcast two weeks ago), however, when I read Kathryn Lopez' response, I could not let it go unremarked!

"I hate to spoil a good girl cry, but at National Review Online, I not only have a voice, but I am the key agenda-setter. And I have been either the principal or primary decider -- as President Bush might put it (whose senior advisers read -- for the better part of a decade. "

Now I don't have K-Lo's credentials by any stretch of the imagination but (as I told Mitch and Ed) I was brought into blogging by two very white, Anglo-Saxon Protestant males! I am encouraged on a daily basis by a whole phalanx of white Anglo-Saxon Protestant males (and a certain Mexican agnostic who means the world to me...HI DAD!). Men are not the reason why women don't poli-blog. Priorities are! Four years ago, when the Junior Logician was still in elementary school, politics were a hobby...something that I dabbled in once in a blue moon as job commitments and family commitments and church commitments permitted. Two years ago (when Savage Republican and Amendment X asked me to join Savage Republican) I was not working as many hours away from home so I had the time to commit. Today, with the Junior Logician in Middle School, I have more free hours to commit to politics and blogging.

However, it is K-Lo's close that resounds the most.

"My reaction to Goodman-like complaining is: It's 2007, you live in the United States. You have a pen, phone and Internet connection. Stop whining. It's unattractive. If you want to have an impact, just work. That's how the guys do it. That's how we gals do it."

And that is exactly what my Daddy taught me to do.

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