Ladies Logic

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Hit Pieces

Every day my inbox is innundated (as I am sure most of yours are as well) with articles taking one candidate or another to task for their stands on issues. More often than not, these articles are hit pieces...articles that specifically take a proceedural vote or a comment made, out of context in order to make the candidate in question look weak on a key issue.

Writing the "hit piece" does not take a brillaint mind or an eloquent style. It just takes the abilty to cull a few articles for the random comment and "wham" you have a hit piece.

The sad thing is, it is not just the print media that is engaging in this tactic. It is driven by the "consultancy" class...the Dick Morris' and George Stephanopolis' of the country. You see it every day in the missives that come out of the campaigns and the inside the beltway pundits.

It would be nice if the candidates would work harder at building themselves up, rather than tearing their opponents down. It would be nice, but I doubt it will happen anytime soon. And that is a shame, because the candidate that does do that will probably get a lot of support that he/she would not have otherwise gotten.

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