Ladies Logic

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Critical Mass

This is what we have to look forward to next year when the GOP comes to town.

About 200 bicyclists were riding on La Salle Avenue, with two officers
monitoring the protest that called for reduced reliance on automobile
transportation. The ride was also linked with weekend protests of next year's
Republican National Convention in the Twin Cities.

When officers tried to arrest a rider they felt had been trying to
provoke them, a scuffle broke out, said Minneapolis Police Lt. Marie Przynski.

"When the officer went to arrest him, his buddy came up, and they started
to struggle with the officer," Przynski said.

A group surrounded the officers, and begin to chant "Let them go!"Then
several people tried to prevent the officers from arresting these individuals,"
she said, and a skirmish ensued.

Soon, the two officers were surrounded by about 30 people, and they issued
the call "officer needs help."

That brought 48 officers from six different law enforcement agencies racing
to the scene, where the situation escalated and the officers used chemical Mace
in an attempt to control the crowd, Przynski said.

It is so predictable and at the same time rather worrisome. This was one of many "tune up events" according to the organizers. A warm up to the RNC convention. These protesters, with the tacit blessing of certain members of the St. Paul City Council", are going to ratchet things up during the real thing, of that you can be certain. It's going to be difficult for the police and the delegates to get around town without running into these folks.

Which may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. As long as no one gets hurt, if we can show the rest of the country what supports the Democratic Party, they are going to lose a lot of support from the middle. Next fall could be very interesting indeed.

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  • As usual, you missed the crucial point of the story: there were outside agitators who caused the mess and the Minneapolis police were all too ready for a fight.

    Will you be as critical of the right-wing outside agents seeking to provoke confrontation a year from now? When Protest Warrior shows up with baseball bats they claim are props for their street theater will you be so critical? Somehow I think not.

    And why would it be "rather worrisome" for you, safe in your exurban enclave, far from the riffraff? You know as well as the rest of us that you're hoping, praying, wishing with all your might that things go badly so that you can point and cluck and tsk tsk at the mess and loudness and difficulty that is life in a free society and proclaim again that "those people" need to be silenced.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:10 AM  

  • And you, my obtuse friend, missed the critical point that if these folks are SOOOOO easy to infiltrate, there will be worse trouble than this.

    It should also be noted that there was no evidence that the arrested were or WERE NOT infiltrators.


    By Blogger The Lady Logician, at 4:33 PM  

  • "And why would it be "rather worrisome" for you, safe in your exurban enclave, far from the riffraff? "

    Who says I intend to hide "safe in my exurban enclave" during the convention? Who says that I can't be concerned about the safety of the convention goers - whether I am there or not? Who says that I "hope, pray and wish" for a 1968 type convention here? I lived through the 1968 Chicao DNC Convention from my "safe exurban enclave" and I was horrified to see what was happening on the streets of "MY" hometown. I don't not wish that on anyone.

    But thanks so much for assuming the worst yet again, my anonymous friend....


    By Blogger The Lady Logician, at 4:37 PM  

  • Oh and THEN there is the fact that I do have friends who live in the Cities and I work IN Minneapolis and so anything that happens there DOES directly affect me even though I don't LIVE IN the Cities....


    By Blogger The Lady Logician, at 4:48 PM  

  • I believe that the San Francisco wing of this IS known for more or less shutting down the town & actually assaulting drivers, so it is by no means certain to me that we can blame "outsiders" for what happened. Rather, we simply have a case here that suggests that our police are more diligent in combating their tactics than SF's.

    By Blogger Bike Bubba, at 12:44 PM  

  • You work? Like for money?

    Hubby lets you?

    Wow. How unladylike.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:42 PM  

  • Yeah I work and the hubby doesn't "let me".....I am a thoroughly liberated lady....

    You, sir, are a male Chauvinist pig...but then again, I'm sure that you already know that...


    By Blogger The Lady Logician, at 6:50 PM  

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