What are the odds?
What are the odds that one Presidential candidate would be on all of the Sunday morning interview programs on the same day? Well those odds are very, very good if your name is Hillary Clinton. One Fox News Sunday, Mrs. Clinton had this to say about bipartisanship
But you know, the real goal for our country right now is to get beyond partisanship, and I'm sure trying to do my part, because we've got a lot of serious problems that we're trying to deal with.
Health care
(ed - OK I have to say this...FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE Senator Clinton? I have seen your voting record and I would not call that "fiscally responsible" if my life depended on it and right now it does!)
and Iraq
This scene was pretty much played out verbatim at Meet the Press and This Week. Then today she backed away from that saying that she could not take away supplies and armor from the deployed troops. You will be forgiven if, after reading the transcripts you are still a little confused on what Mrs. Clinton was proposing. The Washington Post shared your confusion.
Mrs. Clinton said a lot of things yesterday but the one that got me was her response to Chris Wallace's question on her refusal to vote to condemn the MoveOn.org ad.
So in Senator Clinton's mind, attacking an active duty 4 star general is the same thing as attacking a politician for something he has said in the past. Obviously there is no distinction (in her mind) between a soldier and a politician. Good to know.
But you know, the real goal for our country right now is to get beyond partisanship, and I'm sure trying to do my part, because we've got a lot of serious problems that we're trying to deal with.
Health care
Well, Chris, let me first describe the program. The American health choices
plan does not create any new bureaucracy. It is not government-run health care.
If you are satisfied with your health care, you keep it, no questions asked.
But if you are one of those 47 million uninsured, or if you are one of the
many millions more who actually have insurance except when you really need it
and the insurance company won't pay for what your doctor has prescribed, you
will now have the same choices that are available to members of Congress,
because we will open up the plan that members of Congress have and give you a
health choices menu to choose from.
We will also provide a health care tax credit for those who cannot, on their own, afford it or who don't have employer help.
Similarly, I will provide a new small business health care tax credit because a lot of small businesses tell me that they'd love to be able to help provide health care for their employees, but they just can't afford it, and we're going to make it affordable.
But in our system, we have a lot of inefficiencies. Let's take electronic medical records, because if we were to have a system where everyone had a private, confidential health care record — this is something that I've worked on with Newt Gingrich — we would see that we would save a lot of money. It's been estimated by not me but others who have studied this — about $77 billion a year.
If we better managed chronic care, we would save money, because right now
we don't, and we pay a big price for it. So there are a lot of cost savings.
And let me just correct you for a minute. My plan has about $52 billion in
tax cuts because of what we're doing by moving the tax rates back to the
pre-Bush era. And yes, taxes will go up on people making $250,000, but most
Americans will see a net tax decrease.
And we have about $55 billion in savings from electronic medical records,
chronic care management, taking away some of the overpayment to HMOs that have unfortunately driven up the cost of Medicare prescription drug
And if people want to see how I will both get health care and how I will
move toward fiscal responsibility, please go to my Web site, HillaryClinton.com,
because we talk about how we will pay for all of the initiatives that I am
proposing in this campaign.
I take fiscal responsibility very seriously. I regret deeply that President
Bush threw out fiscal responsibility over the last 6.5 years. And under my
administration, we will move back toward fiscal responsibility.
(ed - OK I have to say this...FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE Senator Clinton? I have seen your voting record and I would not call that "fiscally responsible" if my life depended on it and right now it does!)
and Iraq
WALLACE: Senator, we've got a couple of minutes left. Let's talk about
Iraq. There are reports that the president is going to submit a new spending
bill this week calling for another $200 billion in spending for Iraq.
Last May you voted to cut off spending. Will you do so again with this
spending bill?
H. CLINTON: I will not vote for any funding that does not move us toward
beginning to withdraw our troops, that does not have pressure on the Iraqi
government to make the tough political decisions that they have, that does not
recognize that there is a diplomatic endeavor that has to be
This scene was pretty much played out verbatim at Meet the Press and This Week. Then today she backed away from that saying that she could not take away supplies and armor from the deployed troops. You will be forgiven if, after reading the transcripts you are still a little confused on what Mrs. Clinton was proposing. The Washington Post shared your confusion.
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared on all five talk shows yesterday
morning and demonstrated a particularly senatorial skill: the art of the
Stephanopoulos whether she would withdraw all U.S. troops from Iraq during
a first term as president, Clinton (D-N.Y.) gave a simple answer: She did not
know.But she used more than 225 words to say so.
Mrs. Clinton said a lot of things yesterday but the one that got me was her response to Chris Wallace's question on her refusal to vote to condemn the MoveOn.org ad.
WALLACE: Senator, you have refused to criticize the MoveOn.org ad about
General Petraeus. And in fact, this week you voted against a Senate resolution
denouncing it.
President Bush said that you and other Democrats are more afraid — his word
— afraid of irritating the left wing and MoveOn than you are about insulting the
American military. Does he have a point?
H. CLINTON: No, he doesn't. But I think it's clear I don't condone attacks
on anyone who has served our country with distinction and with honor, and I have
been very vocal in my support of and admiration for General Petraeus.
I did vote for a resolution that made it clear I do not condone and do
condemn attacks on any American, impugning their patriotism, and that includes
people like Senator Max Cleland and Senator John Kerry.
So in Senator Clinton's mind, attacking an active duty 4 star general is the same thing as attacking a politician for something he has said in the past. Obviously there is no distinction (in her mind) between a soldier and a politician. Good to know.
Labels: 2008, Senator Hillary Clinton
"Obviously there is no distinction (in her mind) between a soldier and a politician."
When was it that you took a similar stance denouncing those who attacked Vietnam War hero and triple amputee Max Cleland and compared him to Osama bin Laden?
Yep, that would be never. Apparently you - a self-described suburban soccer mom - get to pick and choose which war heroes are worthy of our respect, right?
Anonymous, at 9:34 PM
Oh, and the SCHIP program is up for a vote this week. When can we expect your screed against health care for children, no matter what their family's income level?
Because after all, only SOME kids deserve health care.
Anonymous, at 9:48 PM
So tell me my anonymous friend. Do you think that 25 year old single white males making $40,000 a year should be on the S-CHIP program? Do you think that a DINK couple making $60,000 a year should be eligible for the S-CHIP Program? Do you think that a family of 4 making over $100,000 a year be eligible for S-CHIP? If you do then the S-CHIP program just passed is your cup of tea.
Silly me - I was under the mistaken impression that the S-Chip program was for people who were living in poverty - not the middle and upper classes. That must be all the breaks for the rich that I hear about.....you know...the ones that the Democrats are so dead set against.
The Lady Logician, at 6:45 PM
Oh and Max Clelland was NOT an active duty soldier at the time of the "attacks". He was a sitting POLITICIAN. Can you comprehend the difference my anonymous friend?
The Lady Logician, at 6:46 PM
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