Childish adults.
For protesters, President George W. Bush's visit Wednesday to Lancaster County
was an occasion to voice their opposition to the war in Iraq, as well as the president's early morning veto of a children's health care bill.For supporters, it was a chance to catch a glimpse of a beloved world leader.
But for nearly three dozen youngsters from the U-Gro child care center, located just
off the president's motorcade route on Stony Battery Road, it was all about
waving hand-drawn flags, singing songs and holding banners welcoming to
Lancaster one of the most powerful men in the world."What an opportunity this is for our children," center director Liz Burkhard said while herding children ages 4 to 6 into a compact, orderly row behind the yellow police tape lining Stony Battery at Church Street.
One group of protesters quickly descended on the happy cluster, however, chanting and singing their own songs to drown out the children's voices.
"Stop brainwashing children to support a president who doesn't deserve our support," one man yelled through a bullhorn. Others told the kids to "educate yourselves" and said "your parents are killing you" by supporting Bush and the war.
Mitch said it best...
Now, let’s reiterate: I’m a greater proponent of free speech than any of my critics. Always.
But this story touches on something in a piece I’m writing for Monday, about the self-centered narcissism that’s behind so many “protesters” - how their ends justify their means, no matter who they crap on in the process.
Narcisissism - noun 1.inordinate fascination with oneself; excessive self-love; vanity. 2. Psychoanalysis. erotic gratification derived from admiration of one's own physical or mental attributes, being a normal condition at the infantile level of personality development. I think the first defination fits perfectly!
These are kids in a DAY CARE CENTER...4 to 6 year olds...which means that they are too young to be in school. This begs the question why the director of the center didn't get the police involved? After all, the police were there lining the route. How hard would it have been to have flagged one of them down long enough to send the protesters packing?
Many people I know say they are stunned to see it go this far. Sadly I am not. I do not underestimate the depths of the hatred that the left has for President Bush. Because they are attacking their mortal "enemy" it's ok, in their minds, to frighten little children.
If it were my kid, I'd be taking names (of the protesters) and suing for mental distress.
Labels: Bush Derangement Syndrome
Narcisissism. I've been saying this for a long time. These folks are buried in it. It seems to be a vital component of the Liberal mentality. It's good to see others pointing this out. It needs maximum exposure and condemnation.
Kermit, at 9:37 AM
The children got a good lesson in true democracy. They saw people protesting their leader. Frankly, I wouldn't want my kids used to generate support for Bush. Especially when he is willing to see kids go without healthcare!
Skipper60601, at 9:41 AM
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