Deconstructing the SCHIP debate
I posted this at True North yesterday, but I forgot to post it here. It must be old age setting in!
Michele Bachmann fires back at her critics on the SCHIP debate in today's Star Tribune. In it she lays out the glaring flaws in the bill that the many critics of the legislation have been trying to get past the "gatekeepers" in the media.
The other "lie" that Michele puts to rest is that the Republicans in Congress don't "care" about the children.
Brava Rep. Bachmann. nice to see a Republican standing up to the attack dogs in this debate.
Michele Bachmann fires back at her critics on the SCHIP debate in today's Star Tribune. In it she lays out the glaring flaws in the bill that the many critics of the legislation have been trying to get past the "gatekeepers" in the media.
Under the bill passed by Congress and vetoed by the president, SCHIP dollars could be used to cover childless adults and more-affluent families -- in some cases, households earning up to $83,000 per year. It also changes current law to make it easier for illegal immigrants to get SCHIP funds.
A Congressional Budget Office study shows that more than 77 percent of children affected by this expansion already have personal, private health insurance. So why create an incentive that pushes kids out of private insurance into a government-run
program, rather than focusing on low-income, uninsured children?
Worse, this legislation makes SCHIP financially unstable. In order to appear fiscally sound, it gives children health insurance for five years, then cuts SCHIP funding by
nearly 80 percent -- a classic bait and switch that will cause millions of American children to lose their health coverage.
And what are the taxpayers getting in return? According to the CBO, the bill will lead to only 800,000 eligible-but-unenrolled children being enrolled in SCHIP by 2012. The sad fact is that it would be cheaper to give each of these kids $72,000 than it would be to enact this bill, and it would probably show healthier results.
The other "lie" that Michele puts to rest is that the Republicans in Congress don't "care" about the children.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, several million SCHIP-eligible children are
uninsured. Surely, children in need should have the health insurance promised to
them before SCHIP is expanded further up the income ladder or before more of the
program's limited resources are used for adults.
Here's my idea: Let's cover the kids first. Let's focus on children in need who don't have access to health insurance and fund SCHIP as it was meant to be. I've publicly supported legislation that would accomplish these goals and keep SCHIP moving forward to help those it was intended to help.
Brava Rep. Bachmann. nice to see a Republican standing up to the attack dogs in this debate.
Labels: Michele Bachmann, US Congress
The truth about SCHIP is it works so many people including many Congressional Republicans want to expand it to help more people. The health insurance industry doesn't like that because it does not want to see government help insurance progarms that work. Guess who Bush sides with? Big business once again. Deconstruct this. Expanding CHIP will help millions of people while costing $7 billion per year a fraction of the money that we are wasting annually in Iraq. I hope Congress overrides Bush's veto.
By the way I am also disgusted with the right wing's smears of the family of young Graeame Frost.
Skipper60601, at 3:22 PM
By the way....I was rude yesterday in not saying "Welcome back Skipper". Glad to have you back in the comments....
Now that pleasantries are done...
If it is for the children, how do you explain the fact that Minnesota spends 77% of it's SCHIP dollars on ADULTS? The Republicans (including the President) have no problem covering children. However single adults with jobs that provide health insurance should not be eligible!
The Lady Logician, at 11:24 AM
As far as the "right wing smear of young Graeme Frost" goes....
I agree in that you should not be using children to score political points! The Democrats set this family up for these attacks. I won't necessarily attack the family, but I do think we need to hold the Democratic Leadership for hiding behind a child.
The Lady Logician, at 11:31 AM
Typical right-wing logic. Blame the Democrats for right wing smears against a lower middle class family. How did the Democrats force Michelle Malkin and Rush Limbaugh to tell lies about the Frost family?
By the way, I seriously doubt your statistic on the percentage of SCHIP dollars spent on adults in Minnesota. But in any event, 36 of 50 states spend no SCHIP dollars on adults. The Bush administration granted waivers to 14 states allowing them to use some SCHIP money on adults.
Skipper60601, at 1:02 PM
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