Truthers for Paul!
A while back I wrote a post asking if Ron Paul was the answer for the Republican Party. It was in response to several of his supporters who insisted that Rep. Paul was "the only true Conservative" in the race. Well after seeing this slide show of photos taken at an International Answer/9-11 Truth rally in Los Angeles, I have to ask just WHAT is conservative about Congressman Paul's followers?

Since the conventional wisdom is that you are known by the company you keep I have to ask yet again - WHAT is "conservative" about Rep. Ron Paul or his supporters? Communism is the anti-thesis of conservatism so it is obvious, to me, that there is NOTHING conservative about Rep. Ron Paul or his supporters.
I pulled a couple of selected pictures because of the comments that were posted by Ron Paul supporters in response to Michael Medved's "Open Letter to Rep. Ron Paul"

Finally there is this photo.....

Since the conventional wisdom is that you are known by the company you keep I have to ask yet again - WHAT is "conservative" about Rep. Ron Paul or his supporters? Communism is the anti-thesis of conservatism so it is obvious, to me, that there is NOTHING conservative about Rep. Ron Paul or his supporters.
Labels: 9/11 Truthers, Ron Paul
Next you'll be saying that Castro isn't conservative.
Jazz, at 1:34 PM
Ron Paul-
Ron Paul says many right or true things. Our current presidential administration does not protect our citizens yet is guilty of mass murder. (Killing innocent blood) Ron Paul is not what many believe him to be either. Some are voting in support of Ron Paul because what he says he stands 4 but they do not see what he really is. The message of Ron Paul is what rings in those who know 4 sure what happened in Manhattan and New Orleans. Many are well aware of the power of Fema. The problem is the other candidates are not addressing the great evil that was and is in the works as it's sort of swept under the rug. Many identify with the horrors and tragedy that victimized many families in the USA. If we are one nation then it was done to us. This could have been us rather than our fellow Americans. So it was us. WE are alive they are dead. Let’s do what we can so this does not happen again. Next time it can be our families. Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani are also guilty of innocent blood on their hands. These are very evil people. If Hillary becomes president this will prove disastrous NOT because she is a woman, but it's because what type of woman and ties she is and has. The Bushes should never have been Presidents because these are very evil men. What really are our choices? Which are the less of the evils running today? I believe many believe that Ron Paul is their only hope as they understand the desperate current status of America today. Many are clinging to that severed rope hanging from the cliff. Watch out 4 the under dog tactic and watch the economy as I’m sure the Clintons will call to remembrance in ways the supposed surplus of the Gore and Clinton ERA. These current politicians use Clever and evil tactics cloaking themselves who became wealthy by means of being law breakers. These are the kings and queens on the chess board and the pawns do what? Gore is still licking his wounds from the presidency taken from him and given to Bush again behind closed doors. People need to Rise up make a stand 4 the seen overwhelming corruption and planned murders today that attempt whip the people in submission through fear. Our Government is suppose to protect us not be in on killings and destruction of the people and our nation. So you see, people who see the writing on the wall feel like they are up against the wall. Next they will take the guns (right to bear arms) plan more events until people look to Big GOV 4 protection as they become defenseless. Wake up it's a major Scam that is far in the night. Welcome to the reality and the way of the deceiving game of globalization. Ron Paul is obvious to me is not whom He says. However neither is any one else on the ballot. Vote for the lesser of the evils. 4 Giuliani supporters listen to the firefighters of NYC sworn witnesses to the events as RUDY knew and is so evil and guilty of his part of mass murder… on U tube. My Heart only goes out to my fellow Americans who died and their families whose hearts died within them as our hearts are torn with them for what our Government did and is like. Let us awaken and shake off the fear and make the difference before it's too late. With much love and Concern for us all, let’s do what we can to change this.
Anonymous, at 3:43 AM
Most Paul supporters are not 9/11 Truthers. They are just the most crazed and vocal. Dr. Paul is definitely not a Truther, though Truthers think he is.
See for proof that Paul does not agree with the Truthers.
Anonymous, at 7:37 PM
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