Lynn J. of Richfield has a problem with my neighbors.
Obviously Lynn does not live in the Savage Lands. If she did, she would have what I have here in my hot little hands. Let's take a look at the 2006 Annual Donation report that the SMSC sent to their neighbors.
They donated roughly $14 million to several different tribes in the area including the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe, the Standing Rock Sioux and the Red Lake Band of Chippewa. This money was used for a variety of community service projects like wellness centers, domestic violence shelters and energy assistance and veterans assistance! They donated 86 defibrilators - 66 of which went to the State of Minnesota for State Patrol Cars. They have donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to charities like The American Cancer Society, the American Diabetes Association, the Minneasota Zoo, Loaves and Fishes amd more. They donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to educational organizations, churches and college funds.
They have given millions of dollars to various Scott County Governmental organizations including roughly $300,000 annually to the City of Prior Lake for police and fire assistance, approximately $2 million toward repairs on County Road 82 and other county road repairs for roads leading into the reservation.
They employ 4100 Scott County residents making them the largest employer in the county. They have their own fire department, public works department, day care center, hotel, convenience store, health club, golf course and numerous other small businesses on the reservation!
All in all charitable donations from the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community totalled just over $18,000,000 in 2006. These are normal "annual" contributions so you add that to the $21 million that they gave to the U and it is a wee bit more than 3 percent!
All in all the SMSC has given back over $75 million to the Community in the last 9 years Lynn! So the next time you want to go off on how the Tribe is not contributing "their fair share" (being the filthy "rich" that they are) maybe you should take a look at their donation report and requirements before you speak.
Congratulations to the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community again on its
generous gift to the Gophers football stadium.
If one thinks this through -- with the tribe making between $600 million and $1 billion a year and contributing $21 million a year on average, the tribe contributes at best 3 percent of its untaxed income each year total to its select causes.
Compare that with the average citizen who pays income taxes, real estate taxes, sales taxes, fees, licenses, etc., that the casino and tribe are exempt from. In my case, these taxes and fees easily add up to 50 percent or more of my income.
Who among us would not trade the right to donate 3 percent of our income (plus free PR and advertising) in exchange for paying nothing to the government?
When one looks at these kind of figures, one has to think that it's time to open up a state-run, regulated, taxpaying casino. Our roads, our schools and our overburdened taxpayers would all benefit. Perhaps it's time we let the taxpayers
of Minnesota vote on this.
Obviously Lynn does not live in the Savage Lands. If she did, she would have what I have here in my hot little hands. Let's take a look at the 2006 Annual Donation report that the SMSC sent to their neighbors.
They donated roughly $14 million to several different tribes in the area including the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe, the Standing Rock Sioux and the Red Lake Band of Chippewa. This money was used for a variety of community service projects like wellness centers, domestic violence shelters and energy assistance and veterans assistance! They donated 86 defibrilators - 66 of which went to the State of Minnesota for State Patrol Cars. They have donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to charities like The American Cancer Society, the American Diabetes Association, the Minneasota Zoo, Loaves and Fishes amd more. They donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to educational organizations, churches and college funds.
They have given millions of dollars to various Scott County Governmental organizations including roughly $300,000 annually to the City of Prior Lake for police and fire assistance, approximately $2 million toward repairs on County Road 82 and other county road repairs for roads leading into the reservation.
They employ 4100 Scott County residents making them the largest employer in the county. They have their own fire department, public works department, day care center, hotel, convenience store, health club, golf course and numerous other small businesses on the reservation!
All in all charitable donations from the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community totalled just over $18,000,000 in 2006. These are normal "annual" contributions so you add that to the $21 million that they gave to the U and it is a wee bit more than 3 percent!
All in all the SMSC has given back over $75 million to the Community in the last 9 years Lynn! So the next time you want to go off on how the Tribe is not contributing "their fair share" (being the filthy "rich" that they are) maybe you should take a look at their donation report and requirements before you speak.
Labels: SMSC
Labelling this "jealousy" makes no sense. The woman merely argues that the State should open its own casinos to emulate the success of the Native American casinos and the State would profit more by doing this thatn it odes from the donations of the existing casinos.
I don't really agree with her in that I dislike State sponsored gambling, which preys upon addicted gamblers. But there is no evidence that she is "jealous" of anyone.
Skipper60601, at 4:27 PM
I'm happy for the tribes that have done well through the casinos. More power to them if they don't have to pay taxes!
See, we can find some common ground!
Skipper60601, at 10:00 AM
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Savage Republican, at 1:31 PM
You missed this one on math and content.
Take a look at their direct competition Canterbury Park.
They hire lots of Scott county Residents and give generously to local groups.
Canterbury Park also "donates" as a % of revenue more to the University of MN and local roads and police that Mystic Lake. Only those donations are not voluntary, they come in the form of corporate taxes. And they do not get nice newspaper articles thanking them for it.
I am sure most business in Scott County would rather make "donations" to local roads, schools and government instead of paying corporate tax.
Also before you go accusing others of keeping the Red Lake Band in abject poverty - remember is was this same generous tribe who spent some of those unregulated and untaxed dollars to buy legislators and ads to keep the Red Lake Band from having their own casino with the State.
That was the point the writer was making and that you missed.
Savage Republican, at 9:30 PM
Hello, Lynn here. Ran accross this blog trying to research how much money and to whom the tribe has donated to for the upcoming election.
So I am jealous and a racist? Hmmmm...just thought we ALL live in these United States and out of FAIRNESS to ALL we should ALL pay our fair share. If we make money, a certain percentage should go to taxes - NO ONE is exempt. If we all found loop holes, who would support our tax system? The tribe uses tax services, but contributes nothing in return. Yes, they donate to whom they choose, but so do I, and I also pay taxes.
As for the race card - if the Mystic Lake members were white, my sentiments would be the same. If I found out 300 of my richest neighbors were not paying taxes, and I was therefore "shouldering their obligation" I would be just as livid.
So lets take it a step further, and open a "WOMENS casino" because after all we didn't get to even vote or own land until the early 1900's. The government owes us, right? Then an "AFRICAN American" casino - good lord, we certainly do owe them also, Then a "Japenese American" casino, because we took all their land and homes after Pearl Harbor.
So, now who is left to pay all the taxes? I suspect it is our Savage Republican writer. the tribes are able to put more and more land into untaxed and unregulated trusts, lets hope its not YOUR land and home that gets taken.
Lets hope it is not YOUR children that get hurt on that unregulated, unsafe land, lets hope YOU don't get sick from unregulated food at one of their casinos, lets hope YOU don't have to work at a casino that is known to harrass women.
Because if you do....I am afraid all that will be left to defend YOU is that "Savage Repulican" writer, and he will just be too busy paying everyones taxes to care.
truthhurts, at 1:06 AM
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