A Slow Road Or A Fast Road To Hell Is Still A Road To Hell
Local Logical Lady Sue Jeffers posted this over at True North and with her permission I am cross posting it here!
Tuning my crystal ball to 2008, I see a Minnesota firmly controlled by the Democrat Party. Obvious bright spots are when John Kline and Michelle Bachmann win reelection, once again demonstrating that conservatives who value life, liberty and property will succeed. These two understand the Republican message, can articulate it and make us proud.
Conservatives are getting weary of having to hold their noses in the voting booth. Anyone ever notice we never have to hold our nose and vote for Kline and Bachmann? These two always fight for the principles that once made the Republican Party strong.
It is clear, we still haven’t learned our lesson. The modern Republican Party invokes Reagan’s name at every turn, but has thrown his principles overboard in favor of the failed mires of Rockefeller Republicanism.
There are three key reasons Republicans in Minnesota will lose federal representation:
Conservatives and moderates alike can to recognize a phony Republican.The Minnesota GOP is losing it’s base.
Minnesota Republicans have no message and no plan.
Conservatives stand for values and principles that have made our country and party great. Few elected Republicans can even articulate these principles anymore, let alone how they apply within the scope of government.
The top of the Minnesota Republican ticket includes our leader, Governor Tim (the era of small government is over) Pawlenty. He has supported and signed into law the Global Warming Mitigation Act, the Renewable Energy bill, the Health Insurance Exchange, taxpayer funding for the Twins stadium, LRT funding, massive ethanol subsidies, JOBZ and now SEED programs, a smoking ban, the Clean Water Legacy Act, a gas tax increase, a pay raise for our tax-and-spend legislators and a $34.5 billion budget. Anyone need a copy of the Republican Party Platform, the US Constitution or the Bill of Rights?
Then we have Senator Norm Coleman. Senator Coleman’s Democratic roots clearly run deep as shown by his support for the Dream Act, SCHIP (the expansion of which amounts to the introduction of "Hillary-Care"), amnesty for illegal aliens and the expansion of the size, scope and expense of government. Lest we forget, Senator Coleman remains steadfastly opposed to reducing our dependence on foreign oil by drilling in our own backyard, ANWAR.
The Minnesota GOP leadership told me these "leaders" deserved my vote because, at least they were better than the other guy, they were "electable" and they would stand for 95% of our core values. They lied. The state party has become less effective, even obsolete as shown by the departure of ever-more disenchanted members. Instead of a "big tent" it has become more of a three-ring circus.
While it is foolish of me to expect the current state party leaders to hold our wayward elected officials accountable, citizens can. Demanding a caucus position on every platform item would help. A Contract with Minnesota to be signed by each candidate to uphold party principles would help. Talking points on important issues to educate citizens, candidates and lefties on why conservative principles work would help.
My message to the state party: not one dime. I will spend my time and money backing solid conservative candidates. Win or lose, at least I can hold my head high knowing I stand for principle. I just wonder how long I will have to wait.
Simply put, the Minnesota GOP needs conservatives much more than the conservatives need the MNGOP. While the state party is busy trying to get RINOs elected around the state, conservatives will be backing the likes of Michelle Bachmann and John Kline. We the people will be backing true conservatives in House races and take back control of the Minnesota House of Representatives.
Tuning my crystal ball to 2008, I see a Minnesota firmly controlled by the Democrat Party. Obvious bright spots are when John Kline and Michelle Bachmann win reelection, once again demonstrating that conservatives who value life, liberty and property will succeed. These two understand the Republican message, can articulate it and make us proud.
Conservatives are getting weary of having to hold their noses in the voting booth. Anyone ever notice we never have to hold our nose and vote for Kline and Bachmann? These two always fight for the principles that once made the Republican Party strong.
It is clear, we still haven’t learned our lesson. The modern Republican Party invokes Reagan’s name at every turn, but has thrown his principles overboard in favor of the failed mires of Rockefeller Republicanism.
There are three key reasons Republicans in Minnesota will lose federal representation:
Conservatives and moderates alike can to recognize a phony Republican.The Minnesota GOP is losing it’s base.
Minnesota Republicans have no message and no plan.
Conservatives stand for values and principles that have made our country and party great. Few elected Republicans can even articulate these principles anymore, let alone how they apply within the scope of government.
The top of the Minnesota Republican ticket includes our leader, Governor Tim (the era of small government is over) Pawlenty. He has supported and signed into law the Global Warming Mitigation Act, the Renewable Energy bill, the Health Insurance Exchange, taxpayer funding for the Twins stadium, LRT funding, massive ethanol subsidies, JOBZ and now SEED programs, a smoking ban, the Clean Water Legacy Act, a gas tax increase, a pay raise for our tax-and-spend legislators and a $34.5 billion budget. Anyone need a copy of the Republican Party Platform, the US Constitution or the Bill of Rights?
Then we have Senator Norm Coleman. Senator Coleman’s Democratic roots clearly run deep as shown by his support for the Dream Act, SCHIP (the expansion of which amounts to the introduction of "Hillary-Care"), amnesty for illegal aliens and the expansion of the size, scope and expense of government. Lest we forget, Senator Coleman remains steadfastly opposed to reducing our dependence on foreign oil by drilling in our own backyard, ANWAR.
The Minnesota GOP leadership told me these "leaders" deserved my vote because, at least they were better than the other guy, they were "electable" and they would stand for 95% of our core values. They lied. The state party has become less effective, even obsolete as shown by the departure of ever-more disenchanted members. Instead of a "big tent" it has become more of a three-ring circus.
While it is foolish of me to expect the current state party leaders to hold our wayward elected officials accountable, citizens can. Demanding a caucus position on every platform item would help. A Contract with Minnesota to be signed by each candidate to uphold party principles would help. Talking points on important issues to educate citizens, candidates and lefties on why conservative principles work would help.
My message to the state party: not one dime. I will spend my time and money backing solid conservative candidates. Win or lose, at least I can hold my head high knowing I stand for principle. I just wonder how long I will have to wait.
Simply put, the Minnesota GOP needs conservatives much more than the conservatives need the MNGOP. While the state party is busy trying to get RINOs elected around the state, conservatives will be backing the likes of Michelle Bachmann and John Kline. We the people will be backing true conservatives in House races and take back control of the Minnesota House of Representatives.
Labels: 2008, Logical Ladies
Insisting on ideological purity isn't too bright an idea. Most Americans don't share your extremist right wing neocon philosophy!
Skipper60601, at 3:48 PM
And I think that I can safely say that the vast majority of the voters don't share the extremist ideas of the far left either Skipper....
The Lady Logician, at 5:34 PM
Conservative principles aren't extreme, most people believe in them at some level, and they are what has made this country great. Bachmann and Kline are only "extreme" when seen from the far left perspective, or they could not be elected. What Sue is proposing is that we find more like 'em. But it wouldn't take a very good Republican to do better than the Democrats we have now.
J. Ewing
Anonymous, at 5:38 PM
I agree with some of what both of you say. The American public does not agree with extremist left wing ideas and they do agree with some conservative principles. Bush has departed from those principles though. There is serious and substantial opposition to Bush's was in Iraq. True conservatives believe in smaller, less intrusive government. Bush has given us bigger, more intrusive government.
Skipper60601, at 11:49 AM
Exactly who are you calling a "neo-con?" Jeffers? Are you serious? Can you be so kind as to give me your definition of neo-con so I can get a clue as to what you're on about?
I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the notion that sticking to one's principles isn't "too bright an idea."
Dan, at 3:27 PM
"True conservatives believe in smaller, less intrusive government. Bush has given us bigger, more intrusive government."
And I don't think you will get a lot of argument on that Skipper. That is one reason why people like Sue are so upset with the party leadership. They all want to act like Democrats instead of standing on principles.
Let me ask you this....if you were given the choice between voting for a Democrat and a Democrat wanna be, who would you vote for?
The Lady Logician, at 5:12 PM
The better candidate.
Skipper60601, at 10:43 AM
If all you had to do was pick the better candidate, then it's easy. Any Republican is better than any Democrat, in today's hyperpartisan climate.
J. Ewing
Anonymous, at 1:13 PM
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Anonymous, at 10:01 PM
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