Ladies Logic

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Help Wanted

From Sue Jeffers

Help Wanted: Major Political party looking for a leader with principles. No experience necessary; Must love liberty, limited government and fiscal responsibility.

The values and principles of preserving freedom, life, liberty and property proudly defined Republicans of old. Fiscal responsibility, lower taxes, limited government and free enterprise defined us. There was a time, not long ago that Republicans unashamedly stood up for the rights of the unborn, the sanctity of marriage and individual responsibility. Has it become courageous to stand up for these principles, instead of being the right thing to do?

The republicans of today foolishly ignore the simple, tried and true conservative principles that have stood the test of time. Now, many republicans support energy policies based on shaky man-made global warming theories, amnesty for illegal aliens, minimum wage increases, universal health care (ten great leaps toward communism) and mass transit over roads and bridges.

The top republican leadership continues to betray us by supporting and even proposing liberal policies that only increase the size, scope and expense of government. The liberal solution to every problem is of course, more government. We've come to expect increased taxes, spending and legislation from liberals. If anyone had any thoughts that the liberal tax-and-spend stereotype was nothing more than an outdated cliché, just look at the 2007 legislative session. Unfortunately, bigger government is no longer the exclusive purview of liberals, they are getting lots of help from the “new” republicans, and conservatives are beginning to feel like we've been sold out.

Sadly, many republicans of today not only lack leadership, they cannot articulate the values and principles we once elected them to defend. They lack a message the general public craves. This past election should have reminded every incumbent and the GOP that the American people decide who is elected and we aren't happy with the choices we have been given.
We need just one leader to stand up for our liberty and freedoms. Just one leader to truly open the debate on accountability and spending priorities. Priorities like jobs, the economy, low taxes, and secure borders. Just one leader who knows more money will not fix a broken system, who understands fiscal principles and sound science must be the basis of laws. One leader who will eliminate pork barrel spending and useless feel-good laws, who will fight to secure our God-given inalienable rights of life, liberty and property, would be all it takes to rally the conservatives back to the fold and re-energize the Republican Party.




  • I really would love to go to the Dec 1 State of Conservatism conference. But with Prime Minister Pawlenty on the program, what's the point?

    Keep your powder dry, Sue, your day is coming.

    By Blogger R-Five, at 11:41 AM  

  • Came across your blog through BlogTalkRadio. It is great to see a conservative woman present her point of view.

    I would like to know more about you so I am asking you to post 7 Random Facts About Yourself. I see you blog is mostly political so I won't feel bad it you don't want to do it.

    By Blogger Michelle, at 1:21 PM  

  • If you don't like what the Republicans are doing why did you run as a Republican in 2006?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:53 AM  

  • Anon....not that I presume to speak for Sue by any stretch, but...

    The Republican Party of Minnesota spends an inordinate amount of time and energy at the grass roots level to work on our "principles"...the Party Platform. It is supposed to be what we believe and what drives our decisions. When you have elected officials who are more concerned about getting elected than they are about principles, what are we supposed to do? Run away and hide or FIGHT BACK by running for elected office within the party?

    I suspect I know what some of the more "liberal" Republicans in this state wished that we would do.....


    By Blogger The Lady Logician, at 12:45 PM  

  • Anon,
    The Republican's I know strongly believe in the values and principles the Republican Party once stood for. Sadly a few RINO's have strayed from these conservative principles. That is exactly why I ran, to take back my party.

    We need more people with who will stand for these principles elected. I know I lost but I hold my head high, I know what I stand for and am willing to put my beliefs out there.
    But hey, thanks for asking!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:15 PM  

  • LL,

    I am all for fighting back, but we don’t need to fight back against the candidates, we need to fight back during the delegate nominating process at the caucus and BPOU levels. That is where we win.


    The truth is that the base in Minnesota is not nearly as conservative as many people think. The "base" and the "grassroots activists" are the ones who become delegates to the various conventions and assemblies and nominate candidates like Coleman, Pawlenty, and so on.

    If you want to change the candidates that are put forward, through the party process, you have to get more conservatives to their caucuses to nominate conservative delegates to conventions and assemblies and will in turn vote for the most conservative candidates.

    I am glad that you are back in the party, but to me it seemed more like a matter of convenience than a matter of conviction. But that is only my opinion.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:46 AM  

  • "I am all for fighting back, but we don’t need to fight back against the candidates, we need to fight back during the delegate nominating process at the caucus and BPOU levels. "

    I agree we win things at the caucus and BPOU level, but I disagree wholeheartedly that we should not fight the candidates. NOW is the time to hold their feet to the fire. Especially if they are incumbents.

    "The "base" and the "grassroots activists" are the ones who become delegates to the various conventions and assemblies and nominate candidates like Coleman, Pawlenty, and so on. "

    Speaking of incumbents....Remember, when Pawlenty was fighting for the nomination (against a much more conservative opponent) he ran to the right of Attila the Hun. Now that he is in, however....You can't say the same about Coleman to be sure but when you nominate a candidate who assures you he is conservative and then he changes his tune once he gets in I want to hold that person accountable which is I think what Sue's candidacy did last year.


    By Blogger The Lady Logician, at 6:47 PM  

  • Sue asked me to post this as she is busy.....


    Actually most people are conservatives, they just don’t realize it. If we actually talk about beliefs and issues most people don’t rely on government, want more money in their pocket and want less government. Most citizens want government to protect our borders, provide infrastructure and public safety and get out of our lives. Most believe government is a wasteful bureaucracy that cannot solve the issues most of us care about. Most have little respect for politicians.

    That said…I never left the party, the party left me. Conviction didn’t matter, only electing a candidate with an R behind their name, even if the R stood for RINO. Convenience? There is nothing convenient or easy about fighting party leadership about principles, it is damn frustrating and only succeeds in making me speak out more. Only by returning to our principles will the party return to greatness.

    I believe the party should take a stronger stance and role in educating the public about why conservative principles work. The party cannot continue to promote the message we are not as bad as the other guy. This will encourage stronger candidates, stronger grassroots support, a stronger base and regaining the majority in the House and Senate in the state and the federal levels.

    Far too often candidates are chosen by the party even before a primary and we are forced to vote for the lesser of two evils. Take Norm Coleman…he has strayed from our conservative principles too often to even list them all and any challengers are discouraged. Norm is our RINO and we are stuck with him. Given the choice of Norm or a Dem we of course will vote for Norm. We reward him with our vote and he takes it as approval and continues to stray from the platform. I actually heard a radio host challenge Norm’s record and ask how he would win the next time if he alienated the base and his response was…”who else will they vote for?” That sad comment is reflective in many elected officials. Another reason I believe in term limits AND a TABOR, there are very few who are looking out for the taxpayers.

    By Blogger The Lady Logician, at 9:59 PM  

  • LL,

    "I agree we win things at the caucus and BPOU level, but I disagree wholeheartedly that we should not fight the candidates. NOW is the time to hold their feet to the fire. Especially if they are incumbents."

    What I hear you saying is, we should fight at the caucus and BPOU levels, and if we don't win by getting a conservative candidate elected, we should then go after the candidate. That seems akin to playing a game until we lose then changing the rules and it beg the question, what happens if we do win at the BPOU level and nominate more conservative candidates, would it be okay with you if the more moderate factions of the GOP would “hold their feet to the fire”?

    Honestly, I don’t remember when Pawlenty was fighting for the nomination, I was living elsewhere at the time. Regardless, we had an opportunity in 2004 to nominate a more conservative candidate at the state convention, but the vast majority of delegates who were elected to the convention wanted Pawlenty again.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:44 PM  

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