More Election Fall Out
After a couple of conversations with fellow residents and a re-reading of the "Dear Colleague" letter I came to a realization that I missed something in the letter. As my Anonymous commenter pointed out, the Superintendent resigned because of the results of the school board election, not the levy referendum failure. You see the Superintendent of Schools decided that he simply would not or could not work with incoming board member Chris Lind.
For those of you who haven't followed Chris' story you can read my posts here and here. This paragraph really shows what our Superintendent of Schools is....a man who simply can not live with the consequences of his decisions. He wanted to make an object lesson out of Chris and it backfired.
WDFL - excuse me - WCCO did a story on it on last nights 10pm news that was typical of their style of reporting - biased. The only person who got quoted on the air was the Superintendent and even though he tried to come across as calm and thoughful (and the angle of camera shot tried to help with that perception) he came across as arrogant and petty.
I really don't know if it was the Superintendent or WCCO, but either way the story put the issues that the district has dealt with in the last year in the worst possible light. Way to go guys.
However, with the school board election on Tuesday, I have decided I can no longer work in this district. The election to the board of a former employee, whom I had progressively disciplined and ultimately recommended for final dismissal from employment in our district last summer, confirmed for me that it was time to move on. The community has spoken through this election, and therefore I will seek employment elsewhere to more successfully continue my 35+ years in education. I want to make it absolutely clear that this resignation is NOT due to the failed referendum.
For those of you who haven't followed Chris' story you can read my posts here and here. This paragraph really shows what our Superintendent of Schools is....a man who simply can not live with the consequences of his decisions. He wanted to make an object lesson out of Chris and it backfired.
WDFL - excuse me - WCCO did a story on it on last nights 10pm news that was typical of their style of reporting - biased. The only person who got quoted on the air was the Superintendent and even though he tried to come across as calm and thoughful (and the angle of camera shot tried to help with that perception) he came across as arrogant and petty.
I really don't know if it was the Superintendent or WCCO, but either way the story put the issues that the district has dealt with in the last year in the worst possible light. Way to go guys.
Labels: Chris Lind, ISD 719
I am an active Christian and a professional who has worked in schools in 3 districts. There is no way I would ever have discussed religion with students I ran into on campus or off campus. This shows a lack of boundaries and a severe lack of professionalism.
As a mother I would not want someone in a professional position in a school my children attended to talk to them about their religion either on or off campus. It wouldn't matter if they were Christian or devil worshipers, I would not consider that an ethical or professional contact with my children.
It's not surprising to me that people who agree with this man's beliefs are quick to defend him. Would you be so quick to defend his right to proselytize if he were trying to convince students of something with which you did not agree?
Anonymous, at 8:50 AM
I agree with you 100% that religion of any sort should not be discussed in the classroom.
Where I vehemently disagree with the Board (in Mr. Lind's case) was when they dictated that Mr. Lind could not volunteer in any way shape or form with his home church's youth ministry! He was not allowed to work with ANY student that could possibly, maybe go to school at PLSHS.
The Lady Logician, at 9:40 AM
I would also suggest that this school board lost their standing on the religion issue when they allowed WestWood Elementary to invite an Islamic Imam to come talk to their kids.
By allowing the Imam in, they opened the door to allowing all religions in, whether it be Buddhism, Wicca, Shintoism OR Christianity.....
The Lady Logician, at 9:42 AM
I still don't agree. I purposely never worked in the district where I lived. It's a dual role relationship. It is not the best for the students and does not indicate good boundaries.
Anonymous, at 11:30 AM
There is absolutely no place in a school system for an employee who makes the comment to kids that 'today is national pick on lesbian day'. Pure and simple.
Anonymous, at 12:37 PM
OK - I am way behind on comments...reality got in the way of on-line life, it happens.
Savage Lady - you are probably very wise to be working in another district, however there are a lot of non-teaching positions that need to be filled. Are we supposed to fill those positions with people outside of the district (in order to avoid conflict)?
Anonymous - that comment was taken completely out of context and it has been reported as such. As it has been reported, the student in question brought up the fact that she was having a rough day and joked that she felt that she was being "picked". She was also a "known" lesbian. That is where that comment came in and it was said in a joking manner. The student took it as such (according to the reports).
That is my problem with the whole incident from the was based on a comment that was taken out of context and the people involved in the conversation were not upset about the remark...the only person that was upset about the remark was the person who only heard 1/4 of the entire conversation!
I would venture to guess that you have said things to other people that, if taken out of context, would be offensive to others! I know that I have...
The Lady Logician, at 7:19 AM
I appreciate the clarification. I will say that is the best description of the incident that I have heard. However, to me in this day and age these words should never be said by a school official in a school setting ever. whether it was made in jest or not. Furthermore this was also the third event of this nature involving this employee.
Anonymous, at 8:39 AM
That may be Anon but you certainly have to wonder about the context of the other two given how the board handled this issue. Both Dick Booth and Diane Ziemann felt that the HR director and the Superintendent were wrong to have taken the actions that they did which tells you that the issue was not as clean cut as Dr. Westerhaus would have you believe.
I spoke to a dear friend last night who has had a long working relationship with Dr. Westerhaus. When this situation with Chris first arose, he went to speak to Dr. Westerhaus - to get his side of the story. He told me that he saw a side of Dr. Westerhaus that he had never seen before. He didn't go into it too much other than to say that he is sorely disappointed in Dr. Westerhaus' actions in Chris' termination AND his reaction to the election.
Given everything that I have seen and heard on both sides of the discussion, I would have to concur that there is something "personal" about the Superintendent's handling of the issue with Chris. That is certainly not something that a "professional" should do by any means.
The Lady Logician, at 9:46 AM
One thing I forgot about (until someone reminded me) was the conversation that Tony Massaros had with Chris back in January. It was witnessed (at Chris' request) and the notarized transcript can be found here.
During that conversation Chris was told that the disciplinary action was being taken because he talked about abstinance (not because of the "national pick on lesbian day" remarks) and in that conversation Massaros (HR director for the school district) expressly forbade Chris from talking to any PAST, present or future student about abstinance. That is one of the many places where the school district crossed the line.
The Lady Logician, at 5:37 PM
To me this is the best overall description of the Chris Lind situation that I have read. It is sad to me that those on the outside see this situation so much better the many in this community who have this unfolding right under their nose.
Read the following:
Anonymous, at 9:11 PM
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