Ron Paul's Re-PORK Card - Record or Smear?
A very effective smear job in full swing
I must say that this is not unexpected. With the success that Ron Paul is seeing in translating his grass roots support into actual real world support, the GOP-establishment had to start attacking him sooner or later.As a Paul supporter myself this definitely worries me. Although anyone with a semblance of logic can see that this is a classic case of 'A believes in B, and A believes in C, therefore B believes in C'. A political tactic that has been used many times before. The unfortunate part is that the logical fallacy becomes all that much more effective due to the odiousness of 'A' (the truthers, neo-nazis, anarchists, and other fringe groups).
This tactic is so effective because it starts with an illogical basis meaning there is really no logical way out of it. Professional smear artist can play on this very easily. An example is Michael Medved's open letter post - he knows that if Dr. Paul responds, that he is now caught verifying that some of his supporters are fringe lunatics, lowering his credibility. If Dr. Paul doesn't respond, he lends credence to the claims set against him through inaction.
I genuinely think that silence is Dr. Paul's only option here, as either way is no-win. Personally I am torn as to how I feel about these new attacks. Should I feel good that Dr. Paul is putting the fear into the GOP-establishment, or should I be frightened that the first coordinated smear campaign is so effective (no matter how illogical)?
Sigh....the thing is I have no doubt that Congressman Paul's supporters are well meaning people. They DO want to do what is best for the country, but their hyperbolic defenses of a thoroughly flawed candidate really make it hard to take them seriously. For their response to every well documented, well researched look into the man's voting record results in one response...."SMEAR JOB".
Well going off of that, here is another "smear job" on Congressman Paul....another hard look at his voting record (as opposed to his talking points).
Today, the Club for Growth released its presidential white paper on Republican presidential candidate Representative Ron Paul (see PDF). The seventh in a series of white papers on the pro-growth records of presidential candidates, the attached report provides an extensive summary of Ron Paul's economic policies during his years in the U.S. House of Representatives.
"Ron Paul's record contains some very laudable components," said Club for Growth President Pat Toomey. "On taxes, regulation, and political speech, his record is superb. His spending record is impressive, though Paul has recently embraced pork-barrel projects in direct contradiction to his vociferous opposition to unconstitutional appropriations by the federal government."
Included in the highlights was this look at Congressman Paul's embracing pork barrel spending.
Paul's record on pork was outstanding in 2006, voting for all 19 of Jeff Flake's anti-pork amendments in 2006,[28] but his record took a stark turn for the worse in 2007, in which Paul received an embarrassing 29% on the Club for Growth's RePORK Card, voting for only 12 of the 50 anti-pork amendments.[29]
Some of the outrageous pork projects Paul voted to keep include $231,000 for the San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association's Urban Center; $129,000 for the "perfect Christmas tree project;" $300,000 for the On Location Entertainment Industry Craft Technician Training Project in California; $150,000 for the South Carolina Aquarium; and $500,000 for the National Mule and Packers Museum in California.[30]
This year, Ron Paul requested more than sixty earmarks "worth tens of millions of dollars for causes as diverse as rebuilding a Texas theater, funding a local trolley, and helping his state's shrimp industry."[31]
In defense of his support for earmarks, Rep. Paul took the if you can't beat 'em,
join 'em position, arguing that "I don't think they should take our money in the
first place. But if they take it, I think we should ask for it back."[32]
This is a contradiction of Paul's self-proclaimed "opposition to appropriations
not authorized within the enumerated powers of the Constitution."[33]
One would think that if Congressman Paul really cared about keeping spending low, he would hold fast to his principles rather than taking an "if you can't beat them, join them" attitude.
There are more examples of the Congressman's principles of convenience.
I hate to say it this way, but if Rudy Giulliani is an unacceptable candidate because of his conservative "principles of convenience", then shouldn't we hold Congressman Paul to the same standard?
Labels: Ron Paul
While I find it interesting that people have actually begun looking into Dr. Pauls Record, what I must question you on, is what your reasoning is for making the argument in the first place?
Do you really believe that if Dr. Paul becomes President he will begin to spend money out of control? Is it your contention that Dr. Paul is merely putting on a show, and is actually very non-libertarian?
Are you saying he really is no different from the others?
Are or you trying to obfuscate the mans consistent record of never voting for an unbalanced budget and never voting to raise taxes?
Show me another candidate that can even come near the small government voting record of Dr. Paul and you may have a case.
Anonymous, at 1:11 AM
My reasoning for making this argument is because of the contention (of a lot of Congressman Paul's supporters) that he is the "ONLY" Conservative in the race. I argue that the man is very much a large and small "L" libertarian. I think you will be surprised to find that I am a small "l" libertarian (unless you have read this blog for the last three years).
What I am saying is that he is EXACTLY like the others.....running on one thing but voting differently if it suits his purposes! I have huge problems with people who blindly follow a candidate based on the campaign talking points and a vast majority of Congressman Paul's supporters fall into that category.
His record is FAR from consistent, if you look at the record. THAT is what I am saying.
Quite honestly when it comes to small government voting records NONE of the current crop has a good record. THAT is what I am saying.
The Lady Logician, at 7:55 AM
Oh and thank you anonymous for a calm, rational response. I have to say that you are the first supporter of Congressman Paul that I have seen react to a contrary opinion on your candidate in such a positive manner.
The irrational responses and wild accusations (such as the one that Ah A Lion left on the back up site at Townhall) is one major reason why a lot of conservatives dislike Congressman Paul.
The Lady Logician, at 7:57 AM
I can see your point, but I also see what I deem to be an inconsistency with the argument.
On one hand you have a Re-Pork card showing Ron Paul as being as bad an ear-marker as anyone else, yet, in the same breath, that same report claims Ron Paul is unwilling to play politics and won't pass legislation unless it’s perfect.
So which is it?
I also beg to differ that his voting record is the same as the others.
This is the internet. There are a plethora of unbiased (or unbiased enough) sites, and or just two that come to mind.
Please, don't use the talking points. Being led by the media, by your favorite blogger, or by a candidate all amounts to the same thing.
I've looked over the issues, and the voting records, and Dr. Paul is head and shoulders above the rest in actually maintaining a "limited federal government".
Exceptions can be made for Rudy, and Mitt, but they're executive policies can easily be found as well (usually buried a little deeper, but still easily googled).
Obviously no candidate is the reincarnation of Moses, decreed by God almighty to lead the Republicans to the Promised Land.
On the other hand, for a true Goldwater/Reagan Republican, Dr. Paul fits the bill nicely. He is at least much more in line with that branch of the party then any other candidate I've seen.
Anonymous, at 7:47 PM
As an aside. I'd like to add this tidbit from the quoted article. For any reasonable libertarian/Republican who is looking for a candidate most in tune with his limited government philosophy, the following could only be summed up as a "glowing endorsement".
When it comes to limited government, there are few champions as steadfast and principled as Representative Ron Paul. In the House of Representatives, he plays a very useful role constantly challenging the status quo and reminding his colleagues, despite their frequent indifference, that our Constitution was meant to limit the power of government. On taxes, regulation, and political free speech his record is outstanding. While his recent pork votes are troubling, the vast majority of his anti-spending votes reflect a longstanding desire to cut government down to size.
Anonymous, at 7:57 PM
Are earmarks the same as pork?
Anonymous, at 12:19 AM
YES THEY ARE! And that clip that you posted is exactly why I posted this. Like every other politician, Congressman Paul says one thing on the campaign trail but as soon as he gets to DC he votes differently.
There is an ingrained attitude in DC that those who are there in the Legislature can do what they want because they are "special" for being an elected representative. We need to start holding ALL of them accountable for saying one thing and doing another.
Congressman Paul is another Republican who didn't learn from the last election. The voters are sick and tired of the out of control spending and the congressional feeling of entitlement. The longer Congresscritters like that continue to spend like drunken sailors, the more the electorate will react by voting them out of office.
The Lady Logician, at 9:46 AM
Did he submit items to help his district, but then vote against the bill? This is what he is saying on the video.
Or did he vote for the bills? And if so, can you provide a link?
I have this general link:
Anonymous, at 2:41 PM
Anon - there is a link in the post (and in my previous post) about the Congressman's pork votes. Go to the Club For Growth report and you will get the info you are requesting.
The Lady Logician, at 2:51 PM
LL, this is what that report said on Spending:
The Club For Growth conclusion was(paraphrasing some parts):
He voted for some of the items LL mentioned and proposed earmarks(which he may have voted against and talked about in the youtube video) "these strange deviations aside, Paul's record on spending is praiseworthy".
Anonymous, at 2:53 PM
LL, this was the general conclusion of the report:
"When it comes to limited government, there are few champions as steadfast and principled as Representative Ron Paul"
They fault him for being too principled. He won't take good, he only wants great policy.
My opinion: As president he will prevent the federal government from growing and would enable states to decide the best way to handle taxing and spending. That may be able to clean out of the system some of the worst spending decisions.
Anonymous, at 3:15 PM
Yes and that is one reason why I picked the RePork Card because it was a mixed bag!
I have dealt with people who think that Ron Paul is the Second Coming of Christ and others who think he is Satan incarnate. I think that he has a lot of good things going for him BUT he does have some troubling inconsistencies that need to be brought out. The bottom line is that Congressman Paul IS A LONG TERM POLITICIAN with all the baggage that comes with it.
Don't try to tell me he is a conservative - he's not...he's a libertarian (not that there is anything wrong with that - I have a lot of libertarian beliefs myself). Don't try to tell me he is perfect - because no man is perfect. Everyone has their "warts".
THAT is what I am getting at you get it?
The Lady Logician, at 3:31 PM
LL, that generally makes sense.
I would like to hear what he has to say about some of that Pork Spending and why it increased this past year versus prior years(assuming your information is accurate).
However, points like this appear off base:
"What I am saying is that he is EXACTLY like the others.....running on one thing but voting differently if it suits his purposes!"
Compared to the average presidential politician:
For one, he doesn't run based on what people want to hear and then changes. He runs based on what he believes. He just happens to have the right message for today.
Two, disagree with him, but the reasoning behind his decision is generally internally consistent. Because it isn't poll driven.
To be fair, a general comparison to all candidates based on a non subjective methodology would help to make your point. Relative to other candidates he probably looks like a Saint.
Anonymous, at 10:34 AM
Also, maybe you can define conservative.
He sees himself as more of a Goldwater conservative. The definition of "conservative" seems to change.
People are saying he is conservative because relative to the other candidates he seems conservative.
Again, a non subjective comparison to all the other candidates would help.
Also, his personal beliefs are very conservative, he just doesn't believe in imposing that on others at the federal level.
Anonymous, at 10:42 AM
Did you give up on your blog for some reason?
You calling into question Ron Paul's spending record like you have is far from a 'smear' and a fine subject to discuss.
I too am disappointed in Ron Paul for taking his "if you can't beat them - join them" approach.
But if he didn't do what he did the people whom he represents may have seen their quality of life sufffer and see that jobs may have left elsewhere. I imagine that I would be more disappointed in him then; Because he would have done a poor job representing me and my neighbors...
Congressman Paul is a principled gentleman with the best interests of this country at his heart. But I'm sure you already know that. Hope you aren't as disappointed in our GOP candidate this fall as I am. Cheers.
Ryan G. Reaves
Anonymous, at 10:19 PM
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