Ladies Logic

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


There is an old saying that says "A door closing leads to one opening elsewhere" or something along those lines. Well today a door is closing.

Back in September, the Logical Husband was told that his job here in the Cities was going away in March of next year. Two weeks ago, the Logical Husband was interviewed for and offered a job in Salt Lake City, Utah. After much prayerful consideration (along with a serious discussion about pulling the Junior Logician out of school in the middle of a year) we have decided that this is the best move for our family.

I have to admit that I never anticipated ever leaving Minnesota. In spite of my Chicago upbringing, I have become quite fond of the state. It is going to be tough to leave friends (some who are close enough to call family) but it is something that needs to be done.

This is where the door opens. The industry that the Logical Husband and I are both in is in decline here in the Midwest, but it is growing and thriving in the West. Plus the move puts me back in the mountains! I was born in Denver and to me the mountains are home - even though I haven't lived in the mountains for a long, long time.

So while it will be hard to leave my friends (especially my dear, dear friends in the MOB) this is the opening of a new adventure for the Logical Household.

Needless to say, blogging will probably be light for a few days as I prep the house for sale.

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