Pawlenty and Gore to Co-Host Live Earth Concert II
I yield (again) to Logical Lady Sue Jeffers
OK Governor Pawlenty, we know you have jumped on the green band wagon. We got it. We knew it with E-85, we knew it at the Governor's Convention, we knew it with the Renewable Energy Bill, and we knew it with the Global Warming Mitigation Act. We heard you say loud and clear that global warming is “a huge and defining issue of our time.” We got it.
But Governor Pawlenty let me make this really simple for you: you're wrong. The truth is that none of the suggested proposals to stop man made global warming enacted by the state, the nation, or the world, would have any noticeable impact on the climate for hundreds of years, if ever. The truth is no one can prove mankind causes global warming. There are many scientists who will tell you the global warming debate never even started before Al Gore announced it was over.
Pawlenty’s Next Generation Energy Initiative was signed into law earlier this year, it authorized the governor to appoint the Minnesota Climate Change Advisory Group. Assorted special interest groups are well represented and they are charged with rubber stamping various strategies to reduce the state’s greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050. The group also includes the governor’s new buddy, Will Steger, who he refers to as “a Paul Revere-like figure”. It is a wonder that Al Gore was left off this committee.
The Climate Change Advisory Group’s report is due at the Capitol Feb. 8. It will include proposals for setting up a carbon trading market, reducing speed limits and increasing wetlands and forests. We will also see calls for more smart growth, higher fuel taxes and less consumption of fossil fuels. Count on electricity surcharges and more renewable fuels, wind and solar energy subsidies, iincreased subsidies for public transportation and even more restrictions on property rights. We might even see a tax for breathing, to reduce the CO2 of course.
The cost to anyone who uses energy will be staggering. Conveniently ignoring the fact that there is nothing Minnesota could reasonably do which would noticeably impact the climate. In fact there is no proof that these proposals will affect global warming, positive or negative, even if every state in the nation, and every country in the world, adopted them.
So Governor, hear this Conservative loud and clear: the defining moment will be when you find your backbone and lead and govern using conservative principles instead of supporting yet another invented liberal crisis. It would be much more effective if on your trip to the Arctic you would scope out the terrain and figure out the best spot to put the drilling rigs.
OK Governor Pawlenty, we know you have jumped on the green band wagon. We got it. We knew it with E-85, we knew it at the Governor's Convention, we knew it with the Renewable Energy Bill, and we knew it with the Global Warming Mitigation Act. We heard you say loud and clear that global warming is “a huge and defining issue of our time.” We got it.
But Governor Pawlenty let me make this really simple for you: you're wrong. The truth is that none of the suggested proposals to stop man made global warming enacted by the state, the nation, or the world, would have any noticeable impact on the climate for hundreds of years, if ever. The truth is no one can prove mankind causes global warming. There are many scientists who will tell you the global warming debate never even started before Al Gore announced it was over.
Pawlenty’s Next Generation Energy Initiative was signed into law earlier this year, it authorized the governor to appoint the Minnesota Climate Change Advisory Group. Assorted special interest groups are well represented and they are charged with rubber stamping various strategies to reduce the state’s greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050. The group also includes the governor’s new buddy, Will Steger, who he refers to as “a Paul Revere-like figure”. It is a wonder that Al Gore was left off this committee.
The Climate Change Advisory Group’s report is due at the Capitol Feb. 8. It will include proposals for setting up a carbon trading market, reducing speed limits and increasing wetlands and forests. We will also see calls for more smart growth, higher fuel taxes and less consumption of fossil fuels. Count on electricity surcharges and more renewable fuels, wind and solar energy subsidies, iincreased subsidies for public transportation and even more restrictions on property rights. We might even see a tax for breathing, to reduce the CO2 of course.
The cost to anyone who uses energy will be staggering. Conveniently ignoring the fact that there is nothing Minnesota could reasonably do which would noticeably impact the climate. In fact there is no proof that these proposals will affect global warming, positive or negative, even if every state in the nation, and every country in the world, adopted them.
So Governor, hear this Conservative loud and clear: the defining moment will be when you find your backbone and lead and govern using conservative principles instead of supporting yet another invented liberal crisis. It would be much more effective if on your trip to the Arctic you would scope out the terrain and figure out the best spot to put the drilling rigs.
Labels: Al Gore, Governor Pawlenty
You tell him, Sue! I'm afraid I would have been a bit more abrupt, something like: "Dear Governor, only a brass-plated idiot would completely destroy our economy for the sake of the wrong solution to a non-existent problem."
Anonymous, at 9:24 AM
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