The Truth Hurts
The "jackals" in the cartoonists corp are hitting Hillary after her "the boys are picking on me" gaffe.

However this one contains the hard truth about why Mrs. Clinton will most likely not move back into the White House.

Margaret Thatcher and Golda Meir and even San Fran Nan, don't whine when the "boys pick on her". If Mrs. Clinton can't stand the primary heat, how is she going to handle the pressure cooker of the general election.
Please Hillary! buck up honey. Women are stronger than this and if you can't take the heat - then stand aside for a woman who can!
Labels: 2008, Senator Hillary Clinton
I think the saying is, "if you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen." Since Hillary can't even FIND the kitchen, maybe she should work on that first, and leave the presidential pursuits to the menfolk.
Anonymous, at 6:43 PM
I don't necessarily think that it has to be a MAN'S game, but being a whiny "girl" certainly won't help get you to the White House.
The Lady Logician, at 9:12 PM
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