Confirming What We Already Knew
Hugh Hewitt (Romney apologist extraordinaire) interviewed Lawrence O'Donnell yesterday. Now anyone who has listened to the show knows that Hugh tends to get wee bit harpy when he has a member of the MSM on his program. In this case he had O'Donnell on because of a diatribe of O'Donnell's on last week-ends "McLaughlin Report". Bye and large, this was one of Hugh's better interviews - he didn't harrangue O'Donnell nearly as badly as I expected him to, given the subject matter. However, what I did find interesting was the close of the interview. O'Donnell admitted, what many of us have suspected. That it is OK to attack Christians because, unlike Islam, they don't shoot back (emphasis mine).
HH: Okay. And do you believe, would you say the same things about Mohammed as you just said about Joseph Smith?The media routinely defers to Islam, refusing to show the "infamous" Mohammed Cartoons and they go out of their way to avoid portraying Islam in a bad light, they relish insulting Christians and Christianity. Many have long asked "Why?". Now, finally we know what we have long suspected is indeed true.
LO’D: Oh, well, I’m afraid of what the…that’s where I’m really afraid. I would like to criticize Islam much more than I do publicly, but I’m afraid for my life if I do.
HH: Well, that’s candid.
LO’D: Mormons are the nicest people in the world. They’re not going to ever…
HH: So you can be bigoted towards Mormons, because they’ll just send you a strudel.
LO’D: They’ll never take a shot at me. Those other people, I’m not going to say a word about them.
HH: They’ll send you a strudel. The Mormons will bake you a cake and be nice to you.
LO’D: I agree.
HH: Lawrence O’Donnell, I appreciate your candor.
Labels: Insulting Religion
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