Ladies Logic

Thursday, December 27, 2007


I was watching CNN's "The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer" with my mother this evening. They were playing reactions of all of the Republican candidates to the news of Prime Minister Bhutto's assisination this morning. They got to a clip of Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee expressing our "sincere concern and apologies" to the people of Pakistan. My mother and I looked at each other in stunned silence for almost thirty seconds when we both blurted out simultaneously "what do we have to apologize for?" As much as I was flabberghasted at the statement, Paul over at Powerline seems to be less perplexed over Governor Huckabee's unfortunate remarks.

According to this report from CBS News, Mike Huckabee reacted to the assassination of Benazir Bhutto by expressing “our sincere concern and apologies for what has happened in Pakistan.” I'm hoping that Huckabee simply misspoke because otherwise he'll need to explain what the U.S. has to apologize for. Nothing comes to mind unless one is prone, in the fashion of Jimmy Carter, mindlessly to "blame America first." Huckabee also said that the U.S. needs to consider “what impact does [the assassination have] on whether or not there’s going to be martial law continuing in Pakistan.” But martial law was discontinued approximately two weeks ago.
UPDATE: The Huckabee campaign assures me that Huckabee definitely meant to say "sympathy" not "apologies."

As much as I admire the Powerline trio, I simply don't buy the excuse that easily. Governor Huckabee is supposed to be a minister and I would think that any minister would not easily confuse sympathy and just doesn't ring right for someone who has been in the pulpit and elected office to be that sloppy.....

The Huckaboom is about to become a Huckabomb.....

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