St. Pauls Finest "In Action"
Like a lot of other 2nd Amendment advocates, I have been following the Martin Treptow case quite closely through the pages of Shot In The Dark and Joel Rosenberg's Live Journal. For those of you that want a quick rundown on the case see Joel's post here.
OK - now that you are up to speed on the basics of the case, it took a rather bizarre turn this week. It seems that 7 years ago, Mrs. Treptow was involved in another traffic incident. Tom Lyden, Investigative Reporter for Fox 9 News, wanted to get some details of the encounter and instead ended up with his own close encounter with St. Paul's finest.
Minnesota has a "Shield Law" that protects journalists from this kind of police over-reaching.
What is worse is HOW the SPPD got Mr. Lyden's data.
The charge that is most frightening to me is the first.....filing a false affidavit to get the phone records. The St. Paul PD obviously knew that what they were doing was wrong - otherwise they would have gone through the correct process to get the subpeona. The fact that they didn't give Fox 9 and Mr. Lyden an opportunity to fight for their rights, shows just how aware that actions they were engaging in were wrong.
With the RNC Convention coming into town next year, the last thing we need is a scandal like this where both delegates and protesters are afraid that the police are looking at their phone records without proper warrants.
OK - now that you are up to speed on the basics of the case, it took a rather bizarre turn this week. It seems that 7 years ago, Mrs. Treptow was involved in another traffic incident. Tom Lyden, Investigative Reporter for Fox 9 News, wanted to get some details of the encounter and instead ended up with his own close encounter with St. Paul's finest.
Ramsey County Sheriff Bob Fletcher says St. Paul police officials improperly obtained the cell phone records of Fox-9 news reporter Tom Lyden as part of an
investigation that involved a sheriff's department employee.
The case is a big media deal because Minnesota's shield law protects reporters and their sources; news organizations have the right to challenge any law enforcement request in court. However, the St. Paul police did an end run: they went after a third party — Lyden's cell phone provider — with an "administrative subpoena" which does not need to be disclosed to the reporter or media organization.
"They have basically opened up my reporter's notebook. They have basically looked at my notes, they have looked at sources, they have looked at people I have tried to protect," Lyden told fellow investigative reporter Trish Van Pilsum for a Fox-9
story that aired Tuesday...Fox says police Public Information Officer Tom Walsh denied a request for the criminal history; the sheriff's office gave Lyden the document, ruling it was public. (Walsh refused comment, citing an open investigation into the case.)
Minnesota has a "Shield Law" that protects journalists from this kind of police over-reaching.
What is worse is HOW the SPPD got Mr. Lyden's data.
...Fletcher alleges St. Paul police:
· Submitted a "false affidavit" to get phone records.
· Opened a criminal investigation to "deflect" civil liability police feared due to the records' release.
· Engaged in a conflict of interest by investigating his office as the aggrieved party, rather than referring the matter to a neutral third party.
· Pursued the inquiry in part because of animus between police commander David Korus and sheriff's office director Steve Lydon, plus Walsh's "distain" [sic] for Lyden.
The charge that is most frightening to me is the first.....filing a false affidavit to get the phone records. The St. Paul PD obviously knew that what they were doing was wrong - otherwise they would have gone through the correct process to get the subpeona. The fact that they didn't give Fox 9 and Mr. Lyden an opportunity to fight for their rights, shows just how aware that actions they were engaging in were wrong.
With the RNC Convention coming into town next year, the last thing we need is a scandal like this where both delegates and protesters are afraid that the police are looking at their phone records without proper warrants.
Labels: 2nd Amendment
Wow.... Looking at the phone records of American citizens without a warrant and without the opportunity for the citizen to challenge the snooping in court.
Where on earth could they have learned that trick?
Give me a moment, I think it's coming to me....
No, wait, I just know I've heard of that somewhere...
Gosh, I'll have to do some research, but I swear that's happened before. I'll get back to you on it, ok?
Anonymous, at 5:16 PM
And you see no difference between a KNOWN terrorist and a journalist who is doing job?
Please enlighten me. Tell me how these two are the same....
The Lady Logician, at 6:36 PM
Also, can you not tell the differences between WIRETAPPING and seizing printed call detail reports?
Let me enlighten YOU. CDR reports are printouts of every single call you have ever made. Whether it applies to the investigation or not - they have every number that you called and that called you. WIRETAPPING is listening in to calls that are in progress!
The Lady Logician, at 6:38 PM
There's some bizarreness that pretty much everybody is skipping right past.
Treptow and Beard get into a road rage confrontation (let's ignore, for a moment, who's at fault). Beard, according to the key witness, points his gun at the Treptow family, and Treptow shoots him; Beard is quickly released from the hospital; Treptow is quickly released from jail.
Fox 9 leaps into action, and discovers that Treptow has a clean record, and that Beard's department says he's never been disciplined.
Do they go looking to see if Beard has a history of off-duty aggressive driving that he's tinned his way out of?
Nope. They go looking for a years-old traffic report (and possibly other dirt) on the key witness to Beard's misbehavior.
That would sound bizarre -- unless you knew that Beard was engaged to a Fox 9 staffer at the time, who he subsequently married.
Anonymous, at 7:04 AM
Joel - there is so very much about this case that is beyond bizarre! It is bizarre beyond words.
Keep up the good work on this.
The Lady Logician, at 9:52 AM
Thank you; and I will. Just put up a new entry at . More ellipses than connections, at this point.
This thing does get stranger and stranger, and I'm guessing that the strangeness will only get greater next week when both Landen Beard and Martin Treptow go to court.
Anonymous, at 2:18 PM
Tired of Gun Violence?
To protest the gun violence, clip a local newspaper article reporting a shooting or robbery at gunpoint, save all clippings until the end of every month, and then put them in an envelope addressed to National Rifle Association. To keep your return address anonymous, do not put your return address on it. Use computer print instead of handwriting.
Anonymous, at 11:16 PM
Hey anon - if you really want to decrease "gun violence" then let the innocent civilians ARM THEMSELVES! The quickest way to get rid of the bad guys who use guns to steal and kill is to let them know that we are not unarmed.
Your schtick will not fly here....
The Lady Logician, at 8:29 AM
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