Monday Morning Quarterbacks
Editorial note - I was supposed to publish this last night but thanks to a computer meltdown in my DSL providers central office my best plans were thwarted. I love technology sometimes!
It must be Monday morning as all of the Monday morning quarterbacks are out. OK - so it's Monday afternoon, but bear with me here.....
Friday morning, after Ray Cox's loss in the SD25 Special Election, the second guessing began. First came Drew Emmer over at Wright County Republican (HT Mitch). Drew was upset because a supposed lack of urgency, on the part of the MNGOP to retain this seat and the appearance of "kingmaking" from the state party. Part of the reason for the appearance of "kingmaking" was the fact that there was such a short timeline for the special elections. As we discussed on the Final Word Saturday (more on that later) in an ideal situation,we would have had plenty of time for any and all comers to fundraise and assemble delegates, but there is a reason that this was called a "Special" was a special circumstance. Drew's post was picked up by Mitch who added his own take on the situation. These two posts led to a stinging rebuke by the MOB's resident "party hack" (and I say that with tongue firmly planted in my cheek). As someone who spent the last month "in the trenches" in SD25, I have to admit that I too was stung by Drew's remarks as Michael was and to Drew's credit, he issued a clarification/apology.
The squabble turned over to the airwaves Saturday as the final three hours of the NARN radio program were almost exclusively dedicated to the SD25 special election. Where it really got fun was during "The Final Word" with Michael and King (King was out so Chris Tiedeman sat in for King). Drew and Mitch gamely stayed for the entire two hours - giving as good as they got (podcasts should be available soon at AM 1280 The Patriot). The air was cleared and everyone departed as friends - which is as it should be. These kinds of conversations MUST take place between general election cycles because going into the general election Republicans must coalesce behind the candidate in order to win the election.
Not to be outdone, our friends at MNPublius mistook clearing the air for a "circular firing squad". Since debate is apparently not allowed on the left, I can see why they made the mistake.
Which brings us to today. What do we need to do going forward? Mitch has the idea in his recap of the weekend and it is a sentiment that I must wholeheartedly second! Republicans of all stripes absolutely MUST get out to the caucuses on February 5!! The caucuses is where YOU can meet with your neighbors to make your voice heard. It is your opportunity to get involved with the party and help direct where it goes. You can not effect change if you are not involved. NOW IS THE TIME to get involved.
When it comes to elections, our choices are (as my dear friend Gary Gross AND the Logical Husband both reminded me) binary - there is no "one from column A and one from column B". You have to eventually work with the guy the the BPOU or the Congressional District give you - because the option is to let the opposition win - as they did in SD25 last week. Now is the time and the place, on Februray 5, is your precinct caucus location! If you don't know where to go, see the Precinct Finder located in our right sidebar. Don't sit the discussion out. We want to hear what you have to say and the only way for it is to get out to caucuses!
It must be Monday morning as all of the Monday morning quarterbacks are out. OK - so it's Monday afternoon, but bear with me here.....
Friday morning, after Ray Cox's loss in the SD25 Special Election, the second guessing began. First came Drew Emmer over at Wright County Republican (HT Mitch). Drew was upset because a supposed lack of urgency, on the part of the MNGOP to retain this seat and the appearance of "kingmaking" from the state party. Part of the reason for the appearance of "kingmaking" was the fact that there was such a short timeline for the special elections. As we discussed on the Final Word Saturday (more on that later) in an ideal situation,we would have had plenty of time for any and all comers to fundraise and assemble delegates, but there is a reason that this was called a "Special" was a special circumstance. Drew's post was picked up by Mitch who added his own take on the situation. These two posts led to a stinging rebuke by the MOB's resident "party hack" (and I say that with tongue firmly planted in my cheek). As someone who spent the last month "in the trenches" in SD25, I have to admit that I too was stung by Drew's remarks as Michael was and to Drew's credit, he issued a clarification/apology.
The squabble turned over to the airwaves Saturday as the final three hours of the NARN radio program were almost exclusively dedicated to the SD25 special election. Where it really got fun was during "The Final Word" with Michael and King (King was out so Chris Tiedeman sat in for King). Drew and Mitch gamely stayed for the entire two hours - giving as good as they got (podcasts should be available soon at AM 1280 The Patriot). The air was cleared and everyone departed as friends - which is as it should be. These kinds of conversations MUST take place between general election cycles because going into the general election Republicans must coalesce behind the candidate in order to win the election.
Not to be outdone, our friends at MNPublius mistook clearing the air for a "circular firing squad". Since debate is apparently not allowed on the left, I can see why they made the mistake.
Which brings us to today. What do we need to do going forward? Mitch has the idea in his recap of the weekend and it is a sentiment that I must wholeheartedly second! Republicans of all stripes absolutely MUST get out to the caucuses on February 5!! The caucuses is where YOU can meet with your neighbors to make your voice heard. It is your opportunity to get involved with the party and help direct where it goes. You can not effect change if you are not involved. NOW IS THE TIME to get involved.
When it comes to elections, our choices are (as my dear friend Gary Gross AND the Logical Husband both reminded me) binary - there is no "one from column A and one from column B". You have to eventually work with the guy the the BPOU or the Congressional District give you - because the option is to let the opposition win - as they did in SD25 last week. Now is the time and the place, on Februray 5, is your precinct caucus location! If you don't know where to go, see the Precinct Finder located in our right sidebar. Don't sit the discussion out. We want to hear what you have to say and the only way for it is to get out to caucuses!
Labels: 2008, Bloggers and Blogging
I can't support blind loyalty. That's what creates the Pawlenty's of the world. I'll be somewhere between 90% and 99% loyal, but I won't be a mind-numbed robot.
R-Five, at 11:00 AM
No one is asking for robotics. As I said, the time for screaming, hollering and dissent is NOW. However, what are you going to do if your guy doesn't get the nod? Are you going to stay home? How is that working for you today?????
The Lady Logician, at 5:29 PM
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