Ladies Logic

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Having Your Say!

It's finally here - precinct caucus day in Minnesota. For the last few days the candidates (and their supporters) have made their empassioned pleas on why their guy is the most electable or the most conservative...who is most deserving of your vote. Now it is time for you, the caucus goers to have your say. Once you have decided who you think will be the best candidate for our nation, you have one more thing to do....GET TO CAUCUS!

Caucuses start at 7pm, but based on the interest that has been generated, it might not be a bad idea to show up early. That will give you time to get candidate literature and to review the platform prior to voting on resolutions.

It's not too late! You still have time to make your voice heard within the Minnesota GOP and the RNC. What are you waiting for? A personal invitation? Consider this your personal invitation....come to caucus! We want to see you there!



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