Live From Edina
The phones are ringing off of the hook here at the Casa. I have a couple of reports out of Edina. Both Rep. Ron Erhardt AND Rep. Neil Peterson were NOT endorsed by their respective conventions and the margin was quite large. The vote totals are as follows:
Out of 174 total votes cast, 39 went to Rep Erhardt and 123 went to Keith Downey and 2 ballots were blank.
Out of 128 votes cast, 36 went to Rep Peterson and 92 went to Jan Schneider.
Congratulations to both Keith Downey and Jan Schneider for their impressive victories today.
Out of 174 total votes cast, 39 went to Rep Erhardt and 123 went to Keith Downey and 2 ballots were blank.
Out of 128 votes cast, 36 went to Rep Peterson and 92 went to Jan Schneider.
Congratulations to both Keith Downey and Jan Schneider for their impressive victories today.
Labels: MN Legislature
That's 2 or 3 of six (Tinglestad possibly dropping like a rock?)
Now we just need to find out about Heidgerken, Hamilton, and Abeler.
Anonymous, at 3:10 PM
Abeler's BPOU chose not to endorse this weekend. 4 of 6 have not gotten the support of their BPOU's contrary to their claims of massive support.
The Lady Logician, at 5:17 PM
Well, the right wing has successfully handed two seats over to the DFL. Now they're only three shy of a dual super majority. Thanks a lot.
Anonymous, at 7:45 PM
We'll see won't we Anon.....
The Lady Logician, at 7:51 PM
In a perfect world we would get rid of all 91 House members who voted for the Transporation bill and override. The solid conservatives we have endorsed in many districts can all win.
We can always count on the DFL passing more tax and spend bills that will help elect even more Republicans.
Anonymous, at 10:39 PM
Whoop-te-do. Now all these "fired-up Republicans" have to do is to enforce their will by getting these endorsed candidates ELECTED. Grand gestures of retribution are fine and flashy and all, but it's a long walk out of Egypt.
J. Ewing
Anonymous, at 1:17 PM
I was there and happy about the outcome. I know some people feel victory without principles is more important than an election battle with opponents, neither incumbants, but at least your side is principled and charismatic, is worth the risk. Look at all the supporters of Downey, he definitely has a message and has enthusiastic supporters. He won by a 71.5 percent endorsement on the first ballot -- a clear mandate.
Anonymous, at 7:54 PM
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