The Death of Common Sense
There are two kinds of people in the world: the kind who think it's perfectly reasonable to strip-search a 13-year-old girl suspected of bringing ibuprofen to school, and the kind who think those people should be kept as far away from children as possible. The first group includes officials at Safford Middle School in Safford, Arizona, who in 2003 forced eighth-grader Savana Redding to prove she was not concealing Advil in her crotch or cleavage.
It also includes two judges on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, who last fall ruled that the strip search did not violate Savana's Fourth Amendment rights. The full court, which recently heard oral arguments in the case, now has an opportunity to overturn that decision and vote against a legal environment in which schoolchildren are conditioned to believe government agents have the authority to subject people to invasive, humiliating searches on the slightest pretext.
A 13 year old girl was FORCED to strip in order to prove to the school administrator that she was not concealing Advil IN HER CROTCH and the a couple of judges on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals (or 9th Circus as some call it) SAID IT'S OK?!?!?!?!?!?!
If a cop had done something like this to a 13 year old girl, he would have been (rightly so mind you) jailed for molestation!
This is what "zero tolerance" policies get you people. This is why it is simply impracticable to protect our children from forbid everything in the name of zero tolerance. You not only get zero tolerance you also get zero common sense.
This is one of those cases where the ACLU should be applauded for taking up. I hope my friend and neighbor will keep me posted on this story.....
Labels: Over-Educated Nitwits
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