Questions, Questions...
While I was busy painting and planting and generally getting ready for this week-end's open house, I was paying attention to the news out of Pennsylvania. One comment from Barak Obama that struck me was a remark he made in response to the uproar over his remarks at the San Francisco fundraiser where he said that mid-staters "cling" to guns and religion and are bigots because they are bitter. His comment was how people would take one poorly worded that was not "properly phrased" and use it to continually "beat" the candidate "to death" over it. I found that comment to be entertaining (to say the least) considering how Senator Obama did the very same thing he is complaining about (beating an opponent over the head with an out of context comment) to both Senator Clinton and McCain! Yet he claims to be a "different" less divisive candidate?
Another story that came up last week was Senator Obama's ties to former Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers. About the time that story was really gaining traction (on the internet) I was on a field trip with the Junior Logicians class to the Minnesota History Museum. They are hosting a travelling exhibit "The Enemy Within:Terror In America 1776 to today". A large portion of the exhibit was dedicated to the Weather Underground and their activities. It was a vivid reminder of a period of my youth that I had forgotten (the Weather Underground had a base of operations in the Chicago area).
Which leads us to today.....Logical Lady Carol Platt Liebau asks a very pertinent question over at today.
Would it matter? I think we all know the answer to that...
Another story that came up last week was Senator Obama's ties to former Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers. About the time that story was really gaining traction (on the internet) I was on a field trip with the Junior Logicians class to the Minnesota History Museum. They are hosting a travelling exhibit "The Enemy Within:Terror In America 1776 to today". A large portion of the exhibit was dedicated to the Weather Underground and their activities. It was a vivid reminder of a period of my youth that I had forgotten (the Weather Underground had a base of operations in the Chicago area).
Which leads us to today.....Logical Lady Carol Platt Liebau asks a very pertinent question over at today.
For those on the left who would like to characterize these ties as no big deal, a thought experiment might be in order. What if Eric Rudolph, the unrepentant bomber of abortion clinics, someday ended up "moving in some of the same political and social circles" as a Republican presidential candidate, donated to him, and introduced him at a political event at Rudolph's home? Would it matter -- or would it be just an unimportant as they're trying to convince us the Ayers-Obama association is?
Would it matter? I think we all know the answer to that...
Labels: Presidential Politics, Senator Barak Obama
All this time, and you still doh't understand how the liberal mind works? I guess I can understand, because the actual workings of the liberal mind, if indeed it can be called a mind at all, is incomprehensible. The results, however, are rather simple. For example, knowing that, for a liberal, the truth is whatever they are saying, at the time they say it. Never mind what they said yesterday or even five minutes earlier, they either misspoke or never said it at all. Charges of hypocrisy are therefore nonsense, since they cannot be measured by any fixed standard or statement, including their own.
J. Ewing
Anonymous, at 11:45 AM
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