The Defenders
ECM Publishing (publishers of numerous small local newspapers) interviewed several DFL Legislators who are coming to the defense of Al Franken, in light of his current financial troubles. All of the legislators interviewed (including Eagan's Sandy Masin and Apple Valley's Shelly Madore) have endorsed Al Franken for the DFL nomination for US Senate.
Quickness? Taking the "bull by the horns"? This story has been flying around the internet of over a month and in the local media for weeks! The excuses have changed daily (as well documented in the Star Tribune). If the way that the Franken campaign handled this is there idea of "quick", I certainly hate to see what a slow reaction would be.
While he may not have hidden behind the "I didn't understand" excuse he DID hide behind the "it's the accountant's fault" excuse. However, if you talk to an accountant, Ms. Madore, you will find that is not exactly a vaild excuse (HT who else but the expert on this story).
In other words, it isn't exactly a "rookie mistake" and it is something that someone should tell Sen. Don Betzold (DFL Fridley)
The "experts" have a differing opinion Senator...Speaking of Fridley, Rep. Tom Tillberry (DFL-Fridley) weighed in with this:
One minor problem to that theory Rep. Tillberry....Franken DIDN'T DO THAT. He didn't take responsibility - he blamed it on his accountant! Because he did not react quickly, honestly and decisively he is damaged goods. People much smarter and less partisan that I and who get paid to do this for a living have said so.
However, I am going to take Senator Betzold's advise and "move on" to talking about the issues. Important issues like TAXES....those pesky little things that Democrats like to raise, but some (like Franken) don't seem to want to pay. Gary Gross put up a post last June that is still instructional today. It is about the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce's rating of our legislators based on the legislators votes on tax issues. Senator Betzold voted 6 times last year to make our state tax system MORE COMPLICATED by raising taxes. Reps. Masin, Madore and Tillberry all voted for 11 of the 12 tax increases that were put before the House in 2007. Then there is the debacle that is the Transportation Bill of 2008 which the ALL voted for (and all voted to over-ride the Governor's veto).
I have no problem with these legislators sticking by their "guy". I find it admirable actually. However, their defense of Franken (along with their voting records) do give us insight into their "Happy to pay for a better Minnesota" mindset. It tells us that they are happier to have YOU pay your fair share if you are a wealthy entertainer or middle class Minnesotan. However, if one of theirs isn't so happy to pay...well it's no big deal...even when they get caught.
Revelations concerning DFL U.S. Senate candidate Al Franken’s taxes has not shaken the support of local lawmakers who have endorsed the comedian.
Indeed, several lawmakers point to a perceived quickness on Franken’s part in dealing with the tax flap as evidence of a take-the-bull-by-the-horns mentality desirable in a public official.
It’s always a big deal politically when the unpaid taxes issue crops up for a candidate., said Rep. Shelley Madore, DFL-Apple Valley. “It’s unfortunate that this wasn’t vetted out before (by his campaign),” said Madore.
“But now that it’s been vetted out — he took responsibility quickly, didn’t hide behind the, ‘I didn’t understand,’” she said. “I still believe that he’s a truthful, honest person and that was an oversight,” she said.
Quickness? Taking the "bull by the horns"? This story has been flying around the internet of over a month and in the local media for weeks! The excuses have changed daily (as well documented in the Star Tribune). If the way that the Franken campaign handled this is there idea of "quick", I certainly hate to see what a slow reaction would be.
While he may not have hidden behind the "I didn't understand" excuse he DID hide behind the "it's the accountant's fault" excuse. However, if you talk to an accountant, Ms. Madore, you will find that is not exactly a vaild excuse (HT who else but the expert on this story).
The divvying up of tax payments based on where you've worked is called apportionment, and while accountant Michael Shaffer says it can be complex to calculate, it's not exactly an obscure accounting principle.
"I learned it in my first tax class in college" he says.
In other words, it isn't exactly a "rookie mistake" and it is something that someone should tell Sen. Don Betzold (DFL Fridley)
Sen. Don Betzold, DFL-Fridley, isn’t mulling over his endorsement of Franken. “No. I think he’s a good candidate,” said Betzold.
If Franken’s accountant made mistakes — Franken signed-off on the taxes, true — but then Franken shouldn’t be held completely responsible, he opined.
The "experts" have a differing opinion Senator...Speaking of Fridley, Rep. Tom Tillberry (DFL-Fridley) weighed in with this:
Rep. Tom Tillberry, DFL-Fridley, also opined Franken reacted quickly to the tax issue.
Tillberry views Franken as moving ahead politically undamaged. “I mean, if he is — if people think that — I can’t agree with them,” he said. “What it points out to me is how well someone can take care of problems when they come up,” said Tillberry.
“If a person steps up and says, ‘This is my fault this is happening and I’m going to take care of it,’ isn’t that the type of integrity we want,” he rhetorically asked.
One minor problem to that theory Rep. Tillberry....Franken DIDN'T DO THAT. He didn't take responsibility - he blamed it on his accountant! Because he did not react quickly, honestly and decisively he is damaged goods. People much smarter and less partisan that I and who get paid to do this for a living have said so.
However, I am going to take Senator Betzold's advise and "move on" to talking about the issues. Important issues like TAXES....those pesky little things that Democrats like to raise, but some (like Franken) don't seem to want to pay. Gary Gross put up a post last June that is still instructional today. It is about the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce's rating of our legislators based on the legislators votes on tax issues. Senator Betzold voted 6 times last year to make our state tax system MORE COMPLICATED by raising taxes. Reps. Masin, Madore and Tillberry all voted for 11 of the 12 tax increases that were put before the House in 2007. Then there is the debacle that is the Transportation Bill of 2008 which the ALL voted for (and all voted to over-ride the Governor's veto).
I have no problem with these legislators sticking by their "guy". I find it admirable actually. However, their defense of Franken (along with their voting records) do give us insight into their "Happy to pay for a better Minnesota" mindset. It tells us that they are happier to have YOU pay your fair share if you are a wealthy entertainer or middle class Minnesotan. However, if one of theirs isn't so happy to pay...well it's no big deal...even when they get caught.
Labels: Al Franken
“… if one of theirs isn't so happy to pay...well it's no big deal...even when they get caught.”
What if a suburban Republican legislator and Taxpayers League of Minnesota darling owns property that as of a couple of days ago was "delinquent" in his payment of property taxes?
Anonymous, at 1:37 PM
Anonymous....spit it out! This is your second anonymous insinuation post....make the accusations and be prepared to back them up with proof.
As I said in my PREVIOUS response to you...Franken was the one making claims of victimhood. If you have proof of wrongdoing - BRING IT ON!
The Lady Logician, at 1:49 PM
For a familiar name check the following URL:
Note the box for delinquency is checked. You can check the payment history to confirm the delinquency.
Note that no one will go to jail for being late paying their share of taxes and appropriate interest and penalties will be assessed. Let's just be watchful of those that protest too much!
Anonymous, at 9:51 AM
Well first off Anon - I have not heard Rep. Buesgens say anything about the Franken situation so for you to say something about those who "protest too much" is a little odd. Second, this appears to be a one time thing, unlike Franken's 4-5 years of not paying his taxes. Lastly property taxes and income taxes are vastly different. One does not (usually) go to jail for not paying property taxes where you do for income taxes...just ask Wesley Snipes!
I'll dig into this and if there is anything to it, you will read it here.....
The Lady Logician, at 4:34 PM
"However, if one of theirs isn't so happy to pay...well it's no big deal...even when they get caught."
says LL
Anonymous, at 7:33 AM
But the difference TOM is that Rep. Buesgens is not one of those who are advocating that we raise taxes on any and all Minnesotans...he's not a member of the "Happier to pay for a better Minnesota" crowd!
The Lady Logician, at 8:26 AM
So, we should follow the Representative's lead and not pay our property taxes because we are not members "of the 'Happier to pay for a better Minnesota' crowd!"? Does that mean the Representative expects that the "'Happier to pay for a better Minnesota" crowd" should pay for his decision not to pay his share of taxes? And should he say he paid too much tax in Scott County meaning to pay for taxes due in Ramsey County because his accountant allocated the payment(s) I guess I would believe that's what happened. Wouldn't you?
Anonymous, at 3:00 PM
So should we all assume, as you did Tom, that there is some nefarious reason or should we ask questions as I have. I called Rep. Buesgens - he told me what the reason was and I am am verifying the story. Have you done ANY of that?
You know - if you are so concerned about telling the whole story, why do you continue to post as anonymous. Why don't you tell the readers who you are? And your reasons for your "expose" on Rep. Buesgens?
Or would you rather I do that?
The Lady Logician, at 3:57 PM
I would not suggest that the Representative is "nefarious" in any of his financial dealings. I have confidence that his advisors do their very best to preserve his wealth. This is hardly anything for the tabloids. I suspect that your close personal ties with the Representative entitled you to a Christmas card from the Representative arguably paid for by the taxpayers! Would you share what you believe the "reasons" for sharing public information may be?
Anonymous, at 7:44 AM
If you didn't think there was anything nefarious going on why bring it up Tom?
As far as the Christmas card list goes, sorry to disappoint you but no, I didn't get anything from the Representative last year. I got from the President, Senator Coleman and Governor Pawlenty.....does that mean I am their right hand advisors?
As far as sharing the information goes, as I said in my previous response I am waiting for confirmation of the information. You see, unlike you Tom, I don't go off making accusations or defenses with out the WHOLE STORY. I have one side of the story, I am waiting for the County to confirm or deny what I have been told.
I seem to recall you making similar accusations against Rep. Buesgens two years ago and (like this time) you didn't ask any investigative just ASSUMED the worst and do you remember what happened? It blew up in your face. You might want to remember that before you go making accusations and innuendo.
I'm just saying....
The Lady Logician, at 8:16 AM
Sorry, I did not mean to accuse you of advising anybody. I do, however, assume that because of your membership on the Republican Party BPOU Executive Committee and with the Representative also serving on the same panel that he would have at least had the courtesy to spend a buck or so of his publicly funded campaign to send greetings to you and your family.
You pique my curiosity: What accusations were made “against Rep. Buesgens two years ago” and they were found to be explosive?
Anonymous, at 8:47 AM
Tom - it's time for you to quit playing games. Thanks to Sitemeter and IP protocol I know who you are. You see, every time you go anywhere on the internet, or you send an email to people, you leave electronic bread crumbs that trace back to you. I have compared the IP address from my Sitemeter reports to the IP Address in an email that you sent to me on Feburary 6 and guess what? They match.
So since we are talking about disclosure here, why don't you come clean about the smear campaign that you have waged for the last two years against Rep. Buesgens. I'm sure the other readers of this blog would LOVE to know the whole story.
The Lady Logician, at 9:46 AM
Well talk about a yawner Tom. I did get confirmation and there is no "there" there. It was a bank screw up and AS SOON as Rep. Buesgens was made aware of the problem he made payment arrangements with Ramsey County. Until the total balance has been paid off, yes it will show as delinquent, but the payments are being made.
Unlike the situation that was the basis of the original post where a candidate didn't pay his income taxes for at least 4 years that we know of.
The Lady Logician, at 3:07 PM
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